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"Your Mold firſt came from ſuch a Place as this,
"Again be buried, ere you riſe to Bliſs.

Now Nature calls, and that's a firm Decree,
Then, precious Piece, once more adieu to thee.
Ah! bring a Dram—The ſympathizing Glaſs
Trembles like me, and ſeems to share my Caſe.
Pleaſure farewel, my Guinea I deplore:
VVho would not mourn when he has Gold no more?

O may we meet in more auſpicious Times,
When Gold on Gold ſhall ſtrike harmonious Chimes!

A ſweeter Sound than ſympathizing Rhimes.
We'll ſhare the Joys of a more bliſsful State,
And wonder at the various Turns of Fate,
Fortune with Fortune pleaſantly compare,
Experienc'd grow, and feaſt in purer Air.

Theſe Silver ſhillings with leſs Luſtre ſhine

Pale as my Lips, few Days they will be mine.