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525. Translate the following words. Give the genitive and the gender of the nouns and the principal parts of the verbs:
- on account of
- nearly
- keenly, sharply
- thousand
- two
- opportune
- remaining
- above (adj.)
- next
- grain supply
- pace
- shout (noun)
- from all sides
- against
- around
- three
- further
- line of march
- manor
- region
- fortification
- eagle
- almost
- boldly
- bravely
- across
- between, among
- hither (adj.)
- so
- less
- more
- most
- worst
- difficulty
- hostage
- death
- command, power
- captive
- or
- and
- arrive
- attempt, try
- length
- width
- scout
- cohort
- tribe, nation
- business
- by a little
- somewhat
- crime
- difficult
- equal
- move forward,
advance - multitude
- woman
- desire (verb)
- give over,
surrender - kill
- overtake
- hasten, strive
- hide
- one
- first
- second, favorable
- two hundred
- former
- inner
- middle
- low
- outward
- three by three
- provisions
- speed
- ditch
- wherefore or
- therefore
- for this reason
- fear (noun)
- return
- inquire
- set out
- move out, disembark
- fear (verb)
- worse
- greater, larger
- two by two
- least (adv.)
- opinion,
expectation - approach, entrance
- trader
- magnitude, size
- council, assembly
- space, room
- either ... or
- rise, arise
- suffer, allow
- press hard
- fall
- surrender
- set fire to
- defend
- possess, hold
- delay (verb)
- nearest (adv.)
- nearer (adv.)
- better (adj.)
- well known, noble
- mild, gentle
- swift
- eager
- low (adj.)
- slender
- one by one
- no one
- least (adv.)
- little (adv.)
- learn, know
- drag
- undertake
- run
- fix, decide
- leave
- abandon
- be strong
- receive, recover
- terrify, frighten
- dwell
- state, citizenship
- valley
- slavery
- greatly
- best of all (adv.)
- better (adv.)
- well (adv.)
- very much
- much
- unlike
- like (adj.)
- slow
- very greatly,
exceedingly - building
- mind (noun)
- easily
- easy
- recent
- huge, great
- bold
- immediately
- as soon as
- for
- than
- best (adj.)
- greatest
- follow close
- encourage
- annoy, ravage
- hide
- follow
- pursue
- both ... and
- rampart