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Page:Latin for beginners (1911).djvu/307

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526. Review Questions. What is meant by comparison? In what two ways may adjectives be compared? Compare clārus, brevis, vēlōx, and explain the formation of the comparative and the superlative. What are the adverbs used in comparison? Compare brevis by adverbs. Decline the comparative of vēlōx. How are adjectives in -er compared? Compare ācer, pulcher, liber. What are possible translations for the comparative and superlative? Name the six adjectives that form the superlative in -limus. Translate in two ways Nothing is brighter than the sun. Give the rule for the ablative with comparatives. Compare bonus, magnus, malus, multus, parvus, exterus, īnferus, posterus, superus. Decline plūs. Compare citerior, interior, propior, ulterior. Translate That route to Italy is much shorter. Give the rule for the expression of measure of difference. Name five words that are especially common in this construction. How are adverbs usually formed from adjectives of the first and second declensions? from adjectives of the third declension? Compare the adverbs cārē, līberē, fortiter, audācter. What cases of adjectives are sometimes used as adverbs? What are the adverbs from facilis? multus? prīmus? plūrimus? bonus? magnus? parvus? Compare prope, saepe, magnopere. How are numerals classified? Give the first twenty cardinals. Decline ūnus, duo, trēs, mīlle. How are the hundreds declined? What is meant by the partitive genitive? Give the rule for the partitive genitive. What sort of words are commonly used with this construction? What construction is used with quīdam and cardinal numbers excepting mīlle? Give the first twenty ordinals. How are they declined? How are the distributives declined? Give the rule for the expression of duration of time and extent of space. What is the difference between the ablative of time and the accusative of time? What is a deponent verb? Give the synopsis of one. What form always has a passive meaning? Conjugate amō, moneō, regō, capiō, audiō, in the active and passive.


527. Review the vocabularies of the first seventeen lessons. See §§ 502, 503, 506, 507.

528. Review Questions. Name the tenses of the subjunctive. What time is denoted by these tenses? What are the mood signs of the present subjunctive? How may the imperfect subjunctive be formed? How do the perfect subjunctive and the future perfect indicative active differ in form? How is the pluperfect subjunctive active formed? Inflect the subjunctive active and passive of cūrō, dēleō, vincō, rapiō, mūniō. Inflect the