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Page:Latin for beginners (1911).djvu/319

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sanguis, sanguinis, m., blood (sanguinary)
summus, -a, -um, highest, greatest (summit)
trāns, prep. with acc., across (transatlantic)
vīs (vīs), gen. plur. vīrium, f., strength, force, violence (vim)


ācer, ācris, ācre, sharp, keen, eager (acrid)
brevis, breve, short, brief
difficilis, difficile, difficult
facilis, facile, facile, easy
fortis, forte, brave (fortitude)
gravis, grave, heavy, severe, serious (grave)
omnis, omne, every, all (omnibus)
pār, gen. paris, equal (par)
paucī, -ae, -a, few, only a few (paucity)
secundus, -a, -um, second; favorable, opposite of adversus
signum, -ī, n., signal, sign, standard
vēlōx, gen. vēlōcis, swift (velocity)
conlocō, conlocāre, conlocāvī, conlocātus, arrange, station, place (collocation)
dēmōnstrō, dēmōnstrāre, dēmōnstrāvī, dēmōnstrātus, point out, explain (demonstrate)
mandō, mandāre, mandāvī, mandātus, commit, intrust (mandate)


adventus, -ūs, m., approach, arrival (advent)
ante, prep. with acc., before (antedate)
cornū, -ūs, n., horn, wing of an army (cornucopia); ā dextrō cornū, on the right wing; ā sinistrō cornū, on the left wing
equitātus, -ūs, m., cavalry
exercitus, -ūs, m., army
impetus, -ūs, m., attack (impetus); impetum facere in, with acc., to make an attack on
lacus, -ūs, dat. and abl. plur. lacubus, m., lake
manus, -ūs, f., hand; band, force (manual)
portus, -ūs, m., harbor (port)
post, prep. with acc., behind, after (post-mortem)
cremō, cremāre, cremāvī, cremātus, burn (cremate)
exerceō, exercēre, exercuī, exercitus, practice, drill, train (exercise)


Athēnae, -ārum, f., plur., Athens
Corinthus, -ī, f., Corinth
domus, -ūs, locative domī, f., house, home (dome). Cf. domicilium
Genāva, -ae, f., Geneva
Pompēiī, -ōrum, m., plur., Pompeii, a city in Campania. See map