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Page:Latin for beginners (1911).djvu/320

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propter, prep. with acc., on account of, because of
rūs, rūris, in the plur. only nom. and acc. rūra, n., country (rustic)
tergum, tergī, n., back; ā tergō, behind, in the rear
vulnus, vulneris, n., wound (vulnerable)
committō, committere, commīsī, commissus, intrust, commit; proelium committere, join battle
convocō, convocāre, convocāvī, convocātus, call together, summon (convoke)
timeō, timēre, timuī, ——, fear; be afraid (timid)
vertō, vertere, vertī, versus, turn, change (convert); terga vertere, to turn the backs, hence to retreat


aciēs, -ēī, f., line of battle
aestās, aestātis, f., summer
annus, -ī, m., year (annual)
diēs, diēī, m., day (diary)
fidēs, fideī, no plur., f., faith, trust; promise, word; protection; in fidem venīre, to come under the protection
fluctus, -ūs, m., wave, billow (fluctuate)
hiems, hiemis, f., winter
hōra, -ae, f., hour
lūx, lūcis, f., light (lucid); prīma lūx, daybreak
merīdiēs, acc. -em, abl. , no plur., m., midday (meridian)
nox, noctis (-ium), f., night (nocturnal)
prīmus, -a, -um, first (prime)
rēs, reī, f., thing, matter (real); rēs gestae, deeds, exploits (lit. things performed); rēs adversae, adversity; rēs secundae, prosperity
spēs, speī, f., hope


amīcitia, -ae, f., friendship (amicable)
itaque, conj., and so, therefore, accordingly
littera, -ae,f., a letter of the alphabet; plur., a letter, an epistle
metus, metūs, m.,fear
nihil, indeclinable, n., nothing (nihilist)
nūntius, nūntī, m., messenger. Cf. nūntiō
pāx, pācis, f., peace (pacify)
rēgnum, -ī, n., reign, sovereignty, kingdom
supplicium, suppli´cī, n., punishment; supplicium sūmere dē, with abl., inflict punishment on; supplicium dare, suffer punishment. Cf. poena
placeō, placēre, placuī, placitus, be pleasing to, please, with dative. Cf. §154
sūmō, sūmere, sūmpsī, sūmptus, take up, assume
sustineō, sustinēre, sustinuī, sustentus, sustain