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LESSON L, §288
- corpus, corporis, n., body (corporal)
- dēnsus, -a, -um, dense
- īdem, e'adem, idem, demonstrative pronoun, the same (identity)
- ipse, ipsa, ipsum, intensive pronoun, self; even, very
- mīrus, -a, -um, wonderful, marvelous (miracle)
- ōlim, adv., formerly, once upon a time
- pars, partis (-ium), f., part, region, direction
- quoque, adv., also. Stands after the word which it emphasizes
- sōl, sōlis, m., sun (solar)
- vērus, -a, -um, true, real (verity)
- dēbeō, dēbēre, dēbuī, dēbitus, owe, ought (debt)
- ēripiō, ēripere, ēripuī, ēreptus, snatch from
- hic, haec, hoc, demonstrative pronoun, this (of mine); he, she, it
- ille, illa, illud, demonstrative pronoun, that (yonder); he, she, it
- invīsus, -a, -um, hateful, detested, with dative Cf. §143
- iste, ista, istud, demonstrative pronoun, that (of yours); he, she, it
- lībertās, -ātis, f., liberty
- modus, -ī, m., measure; manner, way, mode
- nōmen, nōminis, n., name (nominate)
- oculus, -ī, m., eye (oculist)
- prīstinus, -a, -um, former, old-time (pristine)
- pūblicus, -a, -um, public, belonging to the state; rēs pūblica, reī pūblicae, f., the commonwealth, the state, the republic
- vestīgium, vestī'gī, n., footprint, track; trace, vestige
- vōx, vōcis, f., voice
- incolumis, -e, unharmed
- nē … quidem, adv., not even. The emphatic word stands between nē and quidem
- nisi, conj., unless, if … not
- paene, adv., almost (pen-insula)
- satis, adv., enough, sufficiently (satisfaction)
- tantus, -a, -um, so great
- vērō, adv., truly, indeed, in fact. As a conj. but, however, usually stands second, never first.
- dēcidō, dēcidere, dēcidī, , fall down (deciduous)
- dēsiliō, dēsilīre, dēsiluī, dēsultus, leap down, dismount
- maneō, manēre, mānsī, mānsūrus, remain
- trādūcō, trādūcere, trādūxī, trāductus, lead across