- Crēta, -ae, f. Crete, a large island in the Mediterranean
- Crētaeus, -a, -um, adj. Cretan
- crūs, crūris, n. leg
- crūstulum, -ī, n. pastry, cake
- cubīle, -is, n. bed
- cultūra, -ae, f. culture, cultivation
- cum, conj. with the indic, or subjv. when; since; although (§501.46)
- cum, prep, with abl. with (§209)
- cupidē, adv. [cupidus, desirous], compared cupidius, cupidissimē, eagerly
- cupiditās, -ātis, f. [cupidus, desirous], desire, longing
- cupiō, -ere, -īvī or -iī, -ītus, desire, wish. Cf. volō
- cūr, adv. why, wherefore
- cūra, -ae, f. care, pains; anxiety
- cūria, -ae, f. senate house
- cūrō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus [cūra, care], care for, attend to, look after
- currō, -ere, cucurrī, cursus, run
- currus, -ūs, m. chariot
- cursus, -ūs, m. course
- custōdiō, -īre, -īvī, -ītus [custōs, guard], guard, watch
- Daedalus, -ī, m. Dæd'alus, the supposed inventor of the first flying machine
- Dāvus, -ī, m. Davus, name of a slave
- dē, prep, with abl. down from, from; concerning, about, for (§209). quā dē causā, for this reason, wherefore
- dea, -ae, f. goddess {§461.a)
- dēbeō, -ēre, -uī, -itus [dē, from, + habeō, hold], owe, ought, should
- decem, indecl. numeral adj. ten
- dē-cernō, -ere, -crēvī, -crētus [de, from, + cernō, separate], decide, decree
- dē-cidō, -ere, -cidī, —— [dē, down, + Cadō fall], fall down
- decimus, -a, -um, numeral adj. tenth
- dēclīvis, -e, adj. sloping downward
- dē-dō, -ere, -didī, -ditus, give up, surrender. sē dēdere, surrender one's self
- dē-dūcō, -ere, -dūxī, -ductus [dē, down, + dūcō, lead], lead down, escort
- dē-fendō, -ere, -dī, -fēnsus, ward off, repel, defend
- dē-feroō -ferre, -tulī, -lātus [dē, down, + ferō, bring], bring down; report, announce (§426)
- dē-fessus, -a, -um, adj. tired out, weary
- dē-ficiō, -ere, -fēcī, -fectus [dē, from, + faciō, make], fail, be wanting; revolt from
- dē-fīgō, -ere, -fīxī, -fīxus [dē, down, + fīgō, fasten] , fasten, fix
- dē-iciō, -ere, -iēcī, -iectus [dē, down, + iaciō, hurl], hurl down; bring down, kill
- de-inde, adv. {from thence), then, in the next place
- dēlectō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus, delight
- dēleō, -ēre, -ēvī, -ētus, blot out, destroy
- dēliberō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus, weigh, deliberate, ponder
- dē-ligō, -ere, -lēgī, -lēctus [dē, from, + legō, gather], choose, select
- Delphicus, -a, -um, adj. Delphic
- dēmissus, -a, -um [part, of dēmittō, send down], downcast, humble
- dē-mōnstrō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus [dē, out, + mōnstrō, point], point out, show
- dēmum, adv. at last, not till then, tum dēmum, then at last
- dēnique, adv. at last, finally. Cf. postrēmō
- dēns, dentis, m. tooth (§247.2.a)
- dēnsus, -a, -um, adj. dense, thick