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Page:Latin for beginners (1911).djvu/333

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dē-pendeō, -ēre, —, —, [dē, down, + pendeō, hand], hang from, hang down
dē-plōrō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus [dē, intensive, + plōrō, wail], bewail, deplore
dē-pōnō, -ere, -posuī, -positus [dē, down, + pōnō, put], put down
dē-scendō, -ere, -dī, -scēnsus [dē, down, + scandō, climb], climb down, descend
dē-scrībō, -ere, -scrīpsī, -scrīptus [dē, down, + scribō, write], write down
dēsīderō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus, long for
dē-siliō, -īre, -uī, -sultus [dē, down, + saliō, leap], leap down
dē-spērō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus [dē, away from, + spērō, hope], despair
dē-spiciō, -ere, -spēxi, -spectus [dē, down], look down upon, despise
dē-sum, -esse, -fuī, -futūrus [dē, away frqm, + sum, be], be wanting, lack, with dat. (§ 426)
deus, -ī, m. god (§ 468)
dē-volvō, -ere, -volvī, -volūtus [dē, down, + volvō, roll], roll down
dē-vorō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus [dē, down, + vorō, swallow], devour
dexter, -tra, -trum (-tera, -terum), adj. to the right, right, ā dextrō cornū, on the right wing
Diāna, -ae, f. Diana, goddess of the moon and twin sister of Apollo
dicō, -ere, dīxī, dictus (imv. dic), say, speak, tell. Usually introduces indirect discourse (§ 420. a)
dictātor, -ōris, m. [dictō, dictate], dictator, a chief magistrate with unlimited power
diēs, -ēī or diē, m., sometimes; f. in sing., day (§ 467)
dif-ferō, -ferre, distulī, dīlātus [dis-, apart, + ferō, carry], carry apart; dis-tribuō differ. differre inter sē, differ from each other
dif-ficilis, -e, adj. [dis-, not, + facilis, easy], hard, difficult (§ 307)
difficultās, -ātis, f. [difficilis, hard], difficulty
dīligenter, adv. [dīligēns, careful], compared dīligentius, dīligentissimē, industriously, diligently
dīligentia, -ae, f. [dīligēns, careful], industry, diligence
dī-micō, -āre, -āvī, -ātua, fight, struggle
dī-mittō, -ere, -mīsī, -missus [dī-, off, + mittō, send], send away, dismiss, disband. dīmittere animum in, direct one's mind to, apply one's self to
Diomēdēs, -is, m. Dī-o-mē'dēs, a name
dis-, dī-, a prefix expressing separation, off, apart, in different directions. Often negatives the meaning
dis-cēdō, -ere, -cessī, -cessus [dis-, apart, + cēdō, go], depart from, leave, withdraw, go away
dia-cernō, -ere, -crēvī, -crētus [dis-, apart, + cernō, sift], separate; distinguish
disciplina, -ae, f. instruction, training, discipline
discipulus, -ī, m. [discō, learn], pupil, disciple
discō, -ere, didicī, ——, learn
dis-cutiō, -ere, -cussī, -cussus [dis-, apart, + quatiō, shake], shatter, dash to pieces
dis-pōnō, -ere, -posuī, -positus [dis-, apart, + pōnō, put], put here and there, arrange, station
dis-similis, -e, adj. [dis-, apart, + aimilis, like], unlike, dissimilar (§307)
dis-tribuō, -ere, -uī, -ūtus, divide, distribute