- diū, adv., compared diūtius, diūtissimē, for a long time, long (§ 477)
- dō, dare, dedī, datus, give, in fugam dare, put to flight, alicui negōtium dare, employ some one
- doceō, -ēre, -uī, -tus, teach, show
- doctrīna, -ae, f. [doctor, teacher], teaching, learning, wisdom
- dolor, -ōris, m. pain, sorrow
- domesticus, -a, -um, adj. [domus, house], of the house, domestic
- domicilium, domici'lī, n. dwelling, house, abode. Cf. domus
- domina, -ae, f. mistress (of the house), lady (§ 461)
- dominus, -ī, m. master (of the house), owner, ruler (§ 462)
- domus, -ūs, f . house, home, domī, locative, at home (§ 468)
- dormiō, -īre, -īvī, -ītus, sleep
- dracō, -ōnis, m. serpent, dragon
- dubitō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus, hesitate
- dubius, -a, -um, adj. [duo, two] (moving two ways), doubtful, dubious
- du-centī, -ae, -a, numeral adj. two hundred
- dūcō, -ere, dūxī, ductus (imv. due), lead, conduct
- dum, conj. while, as long as
- duo, duae, duo, numeral adj. two (§479)
- duo-decim, indecl. numeral adj. twelve
- dūrus, -a, -um, adj. hard, tough; harsh, pitiless, bitter
- dux, ducis, m. and f. [cf. dūcō, lead], leader, commander
- ē or ex, prep, with abl. out of, from, off, of (§ 209)
- ebumeus, -a, -um, adj. of ivory
- ecce, adv. see! behold! there! here!
- ē-dūcō, -ere, -dūxī, -ductus [ē, out, + dūcō, lead], lead out, draw out
- ef-ficiō, -ere, -fēcī, -fectus [ex, thoroughly, + faciō, do], work out; make, cause
- ef-fugiō, -ere, -fūgī, -fugitūrus [ex, from, + fugiō, fleel], escape
- egeō, -ēre, -uī, —, be in need of, lack, with abl. (§ 501.32)
- ego, pers. pron. I; plur. nōs, we (§ 480)
- ē-gredior, -ī, ēgressus sum, dep. verb [ē, out of, + gradior, go] go out, go forth, ē nāvī ēgredī, disembark
- ē-iciō, -ere, -iēci, -iectus [ē, forth, + iaciō, hurl], hurl forth, expel
- elementum, -ī, n., in plur. first principles, rudiments
- elephantus, -ī, m. elephant
- Ēlis, Ēlidis, f. Ē'lis, a district of southern Greece
- emō, -ere, ēmī, ēmptus, buy, purchase
- enim, conj., never standing first, for, in fact, indeed. Cf. nam
- Ennius, Ennī, m. Ennius, the father of Roman poetry, born 239 B.C.
- eō, īre, iī (īvī), itūrus, go (§ 499)
- eō, adv. to that place, thither
- Ēpīrus, -ī, f. Epi'rus, a district in the north of Greece
- eques, -itis, m. [equus, horse], horseman, cavalryman
- equitātus, -ūs, m. [equitō, ride], cavalry
- equus, -ī, m. horse
- ē-rigō, -ere, -rēxī, -rēctus [ē, out, + regō, make straight], raise up
- ē-ripiō, -ere, -uī, -reptus [ē, out of + rapiō, seize], seize; rescue
- ē-rumpō, -ere, -rūpī, -ruptus [ē, forth, + rumpō, break], burst forth
- ēruptiō, -ōnis, f. sally