Vane, Sir H., 204, 205, 311
Varna, 35
Vasconcelles, afterwards Archbishop of Lisbon, 65
Vassy, Huguenot defeat, 147; massacre of, 157
Vatican, archives, opening of the, 7; library, 29
Vauban, 239; victories of, 240; cited, 248
Vaud, canton of, 131
Vaudémont, Prince de, envoy to Rome, 225
Vervins, treaty of, 170
Vespucci, 65
Vigo, French fleet destroyed, 260
Vincent of Beauvais, 75
Vinci, Leonardo da, notes and diaries of, 84
Vindiciae contra Tyrannos, 164
Virgil, statue removed from marketplace, 73
Virginia, founding of, 199; independence declared, 312
Visconti, the, 38, 40, 119
Voltaire, 25; cited, 234; Frederic II. and, 291
Vulgate, the Latin, revision of, 121
Walcheren, annexation of, 211
Waldenses, suppression, 246
Wallachia, Turkish invasion, 35
Wallis, voyages, 66
Walpole, cited, 266; policy, 271-74, 290; fall of, 274
Warburg, battle of, 295-6
Warham and Catharine's divorce, 139
Warrants, general, question of, 308
Wartburg, the. 102
Waters, Lucy, 218
Weimar, Duke of, 191—
Wellesley, General, 23
Western Assize, the, 220
Westminster, Convention at, 294
Weston becomes Roman Catholic, 202
Westphalia, Peace of, 193
Whigs. (See also Party, government by)—
White Mountain, the, 185
William, Emperor of Prussia, 199
William of Orange. (See also William III.)—
William III.—
William the Silent, 145
William the Stadtholder, assassination of, 145
Wimpheling, death of, 105
Windebanke, becomes Roman Catholic, 202
Witchcraft trials, 116
Witt, John de—
Wittelsbach, House of, 292
Wittenberg, posting of the Thesis, 136
Wolsey, Cardinal—