horseback into a modern industrial center with as big factories and as many machines as Massachusetts.
And then old Massachusetts itself—what a state that is! Right up to date, and yet showing their respect for the principles of the Founders of the Country by resolutely pinching any or all books that by reference to prostitution and marital unhappiness and all those things that we grown-up men know exist, yet why increase the unhappiness of the world by talking about them—
But I mean: there's a lot of high-class states in the Union, but is there any one of them that better combines natural and scenic beauties with a high scale of comfortable living than California?
I've read quite a lot about the history of California—I read clear through an article in the Literary Digest that gave all the more important facts, and here's the way I figure out the history of the state:
Of course California has always had a lot of high mountains, which, it's needless to say, were