Page:Licence Ouverte 1.0 (Anglais).pdf/2

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The « Information » is made available as produced or received by the « Producer », without any other express or tacit guarantee not specified in this licence. The « Producer » guarantees that it makes the « Information » available free of charge, under the freedoms and the conditions defined by this licence. It cannot guarantee that the « Information » does not contain any error or irregularity. It does not guarantee the continued supply of the « Information ». It shall not be liable for any loss, injury or damage of any kind caused to third parties resulting from its re-use. The « Re-user » is solely responsible for its re-use of the « Information ». The re-use shall not mislead third parties or misrepresent the content of the « Information », its source and its time of last update.


The « Producer » guarantees that the « Information » is not subject to any « Intellectual property rights » belonging to third parties. « Intellectual property rights » that might be held by the « Producer » over documents containing the « Information » do not impede the free re-use of the « Information ». Where the « Producer » holds « Intellectual property rights  » over documents which contain the « Information », it assigns them, on a non-exclusive basis, free of charge, worldwide and for the entire term of the « Intellectual property rights  », to the « Re-user », who may make use thereof in accordance with the freedoms and conditions defined in this licence.


To facilitate the re-use of the « Information », this licence has been designed to be compatible with any licence which requires at least the attribution of the « Information ». For instance, it is compatible with the « Open Government Licence » (OGL) of the United Kingdom, the « Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 » (CC-BY 2.0) licence of Creative Commons and the « Open Data Commons Attribution » (ODC-BY) icence of the Open Knowledge Foundation.


This licence is governed by French law.