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« Intellectual property rights » means any rights

identified as such by the French Intellectual Property Code (copyright, related rights, and sui generis rights over databases).

« Information » means data or information proposed for re-use with the freedoms and under the conditions of this licence.

« Derivative information » means new data or information which has been created either directly from the « Information », or using a combination of the « Information » and other data or information not subject to this licence.

« Producer » means the entity which produces

the « Information » and opens it to re-use under the freedoms and the conditions of this licence.

« Re-user » means any natural or legal person who re-uses the « Information » in accordance with the freedoms and the conditions of this licence.


Etalab is the task force under the French Prime Minister’s authority leading Open Government Data policy for France. Etalab introduces the Open Licence to facilitate and encourage easy reuse of public sector information – as defined by French Law – free of charge and as broadly as possible,

Within the scope of their public service missions, public sector bodies produce and receive public sector information, which may be re-used by any natural or legal person.
Under the terms of French Law, are not considered public sector information: information the communication of which is not a right under information access legislation; information contained in documents produced or received by public sector bodies exercising a public service of industrial or commercial character; and information contained in documents over which third parties hold intellectual property rights,
Information which contains personal data is not considered to be public sector information re-usable under the terms of French Law – except where persons on which data is collected have agreed to its reuse, where this data has been rendered anonymous by the public sector bodies, or where a legal or statutory provision permits its re-use (in these three cases, re-use is subject to compliance with French privacy protection legislation).

This licence is version 1.0 of the Open Licence. Etalab may, from time to time, offer new versions of the Open Licence. However, re-users may continue to re-use information available under this licence if they wish to do so.