Aklys, -io, sm. ent. ox-fly; gad-fly; breeze; ‖ (vulg.) a blind fellow; dolt; blockhead. Aklokas, f. -ka, defin. -kasis, f. -koji, adj. somewhat blind; quite blind; ‖ close. Aklumas, -o, sm. blindness; ‖ closeness; compactness. Aklutis, -čio, sm. [dim. of [[A Dictionary of the Lithuanian and English Languages/#|]]] a blind fellow; totally blind. ‖ bot. dead-nettle. Galeobdolon. Akmenas, -o, sm. stone (weight of forty pounds). Akmenēlis, -io, sm. dim. little stone. Mēlynasis akmenēlis, sulphate of copper; blue vitriol. Akmenēti (-nēju, -nējau, -nēsiu), v. n. to turn to stone; to petrify. Akmenyčia, -ios, f. quarry: stone pit. Akmenynas, -o, sm. heap of stones; a place abounding with stones. Akmenynē, -ēs, sf. a stony land; a place abounding with stones. Akmeningas, f. -ga. defin. -gasis, f. -goji, adj. abounding with stones; stony; lapideous. Akmeninis, f. -nē, adj. stony; stone; made or consisting of stone. Akmeninė širdis, a stony-heart; a pitiless person. Akmenskaldis, -dżio, sm. stone cutter. f. -ta, defin. -tasis, f. -toji, adj. stony; abounding with stones. ,-nuoju, -navau, -nuosiu), v. a. to stone; to pelt, beat or kill with stones. ‖ v. n. to become a stone; to turn to stone. (Akmuo, -mens, sm. stone; rock. Brangus —, precious stone; jewel. Kampinis —, corner stone; fundamental stone. ‖ med. stone; gravel (in the bladder). Dim. Akmenēlis, -niukas, sm. a little stone. Mēlynasis akmenēlis, sulphate of copper; blue vitriol. Akompanijamentas, -o, sm. accompaniment. Akompanijuoti (-juoju, -javau, -juosiu), v. a. to accompany. Akordas, -o, sm. mus. accord; chord. Akras, -o, sm. acre. Akselinis, f. -nē, adj. of chaff; belonging to chaff. Akselinē mašina, chaff-cutter. Akselis, -io, sm. chaff; straw cut up for fodder. |
Akselpeilis, -io, sm. chaff-cutter. Aksomas, -o, Aksomitas, -o, sm. velvet. Aksominis, f. -nē, adj. velvet; of velvet; velvety. Akstinas, -o, sm. prickle; fig. goad; stimulus. Akstinti (-nu, -nau, -nsiu), v. a. to stir up; to goad; to stimulate. Akstinuotas, f. -ta, defin. -tasis, f. -toji, adj. prickly; full of prickles; armed with prickles. Akštis, -ies, sf. spit; prong. = [[A Dictionary of the Lithuanian and English Languages/#|]]. Akšvita, -os, sf. bot. euphrasy; eye-bright. Euphrasia. Aktainis, -io, sm. a cubic fathom; ‖ a measure of about 20 gallons. Aktas, -o, sm. act; action. Akti (anku, akau, aksiu), v. n. to grow blind; to lose one's sight. Aktiviškas, f. -ka, defin. -kasis, f. -koji, adj. active; effective. Aktorē, -ēs, sf. actress. Aktorius, -iaus, sm. actor. Akulioriai, -ių, sm. pl. = [[A Dictionary of the Lithuanian and English Languages/#|]]. Akuotas, -o, sm. bot. awn; beard; prickle. Akuotuotas, f. -ta, defin. -tasis, f. -toji, adj. awny; husky; prickly. Akustika, -os, sf. acoustics. Akustiškas, f. -ka, adj. acoustic. Akušeras, f. -rē, s. accoucheur; obstetrician; midwife. Akušerija, -jos, sf. obstetrics; midwifery. Akušeriškas, f. -ka, adj. obstetrical. Akutē, -ēs, sf. [dim. of [[A Dictionary of the Lithuanian and English Languages/#|]]] little eye. Alabastras, -o, sm. alabaster. = [[A Dictionary of the Lithuanian and English Languages/#|]]. Alasas, -o, sm. noise; uproar; clutter; bustle. Alasuoti (-suoju, -savau, -suosiu), v. n. to make a noise; to clutter; to pother. Alba, -os, sf. alb; surplice. Albanija, -os, sf. Albania, Albany. Albanietis, f. -tē, Albanian; inhabitant of Albania. Albaniškas, f. -ka, adj. Albanian. Alda, -os, sf. loose jollity; merriment; revelry; loose, disorderly life. Aldija, -os, sf. boat; canoe. Aldra, -os, sm. a jolly fellow; reveler; coxcomb. Ale, conj. but.
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