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Alegorija, -os, sf. allegory.

Alegoriškas, f. -ka, adj. allegoric(al). ‖ –kai, adv. allegorically, figuratively.

Alēja, -os, sf. alley.

Aleksandra, -os, sf. Alexandrine.

Aleksandras, -o, sm. Alexander.

Alfabetas, -o, sm. alphabet.

Alfabetinis, f. -nē; Alfabetiškas, f. -ka, adj. alphabetical. ‖ –kai, adv. alphabetically.

Alga, -os, sf. wages; salary. Algos vergas, wage-slave.

Algamitis, f. -tē, s. wage-workman; wage-workwoman; laborer.

Algauti (-gauju, -gavau, -gausiu), v. n. to serve; to work for wages; to hire one's self out as a servant.

Algē, -ēs, sf. bot. speedwell; Hungarian speedwell. Veronica teucrium.

Algebra, -os, sf. algebra.

Algebraiškas, f. -ka, adj. algebraical.

Algerija, -os, sf. Algeria.

Algininkas, f. -kē, s. wage-workman.

Aliabastras, -o, sm. alabaster.

Aliabastrinis, f. -nē, adj. alabaster.

Aliejingas, f. -ga, defin. -gasis, f. -goji, adj. oleaginous; full of oil; oily.

Aliejinyčia, -ios, sf. oil shop; oil-bag.

Aliejininkas, f. -kē, s. oiler; dealer in oils.

Aliejinis, f. -nē, adj. of oil. Aliejinis paveikslas, oil painting.

Aliejuotas, f. -ta, defin. -tasis, f. -toji, adj. oiled; oily.

Aliejuoti (-juoju, -javau, -juosiu), v. a. to oil.

Aliejus, -aus, sm. oil.

Alinē, -ēs, sf. beer-house; beer-cellar.

Alinimas, -o, sm. exploitation.

Alinis, f. -nē, adj. of beer; belonging or pertaining to beer. Alinē bačka, beer keg.

Alinti (-nu, -nau, -nsiu), v. a. to exploit; to draw profit. ‖ –s, v. rfl. to toil; to drudge.

Alintojas, f. -ja, s. exploiter.

Alyva, -os, sf. bot. olive; olive-tree; ‖ lilac; common lilac. Syringa vulgaris.

Alyvynas, -o, sm. olive grove; lilac bushes.

Alyvinis, f. -nē, adj. of olive tree; of lilac.

Alka, -os, sf. a mound raised over the remains of the dead; barrow; tumulus.

Alkanas, f. -na, defin. -nasis, f. -noji, adj. hungry.

Alkanybē, -ēs, sf. Alkanumas, -o, sm. the state of being hungry; hunger.

Alkierius, -iaus, sm. closet.

Alkinti (-nu, -nau, -nsiu), v. a. to keep one in hunger; to leave one in hunger; to famish.

Alkis, -io, sm. famine; hunger.

Alkoholikas, f. -kē, s. alcoholist.

Alkoholinis, -nē, adj. alcoholic.

Alkoholis, -io, sm. alcohol.

Alkoholiškas, f. -ka, adj. alcoholic.

Alksnynas, -o, sm. Alksnynē, -ēs, sf. alder-wood; grove of alder trees.

Alksninis, f. -nē, adj. of alder tree.

Alksnis, -io, sm. bot. alder; alder tree.

Alkstantis, f. -ti, defin. -tysis, f. -čioji, adj. hungry; suffering hunger; fig. having an eager desire.

Alkti (-kstu, -kau, -ksiu), v. n. to hunger; fig. to long for; to desire.

Alkunē, -ēs, s. elbow; fig. winding: sinuosity. Upēs, kelio alkunē, the winding of a stream, of a road.

Almas, -o, s. hastiness; precipitance; haste; speed.

Almē, -ēs, sf. pus; mutter; sanies.

Almēti (-mu, -mējau, -mēsiu), v. n. to leak, to run; to discharge pus.

Alpai, , sm. pl. the Alps.

Alpinis, f. -nē, adj. Alpine.

Alpavimas, -o, sm. fainting.

Alpimas, -o, sm. swoon, fainting.

Alpti (-pstu, -pau, -psiu), v. n. to faint; to fall into a swoon.

Alpulys, -io, sm. fainting fit; swoon.

Alpumas, -o, sm. faintness; qualmishness.

Alpus, f. -pi, defin. -pusis, f. -pioji, adj. faint; qualmish.

Alpuoti (-puoju, -pavau, -puosiu), v. n. to faint.

Alsa, -os, sf. weariness; exhaustion; fatigue.

Alsinti (-nu, -nau, -nsiu), v. a. to tire, to weary; to fatigue; to exhaust the strength.

Alsumas, -o, sm. tiresomeness.

Alsuoti (-suoju, -savau, -suosiu), v. n. to breathe heavily; to pant.