Andai, -ų, sm. pl. the Andes. Andainykštis, f. -tē, adj. of a few days ago; recent. Andrius, -iaus, dim. -driukas, sm. Andrew. Andrienē, -ēs, sf. Andrew's wife. Anē, -ēs, sf. Anna, Annie, Ann. = [[A Dictionary of the Lithuanian and English Languages/#|]]. Anekdotas, -o, sm. anecdote. Anga, -os, sf. opening of a door; aperture. Angēlas, -o, dim. -lēlis, -liukas, sm. angel; — sargas, guardian angel. Angēliškas, f. -ka, defin. -kasis, f. -koji, adj. angelic, angelical; angel-like. ‖ –kai, adv. angelically. Angis, -ies, sf. zool. viper; adder; serpent. Anglas, f. -lē, Englishman; f. Englishwoman. Angledaris, -io, sm. carbon. Angledegis, -io, sm. charcoal burner. Anglekasykla, -os, Anglekastynē, -ēs, sf. coal mine; coal pit. Anglerugštinis, f. -nē, adj. of carbonic acid. — gazas, carbonic acid gas. Anglerugštis, -ies, sf. chem. carbonic acid. Anglija, -os, sf. England. Anglijonas, f. -nē, s. Englishman; Englishwoman. = [[A Dictionary of the Lithuanian and English Languages/#|]]. Anglinyčia, -ios, sf. coal house; coal mine; coal pit. Anglininkas, f. -kē, sm. coal man; coal merchant. Anglinis, f. -nē, adj. of coal; belonging or pertaining to coal; carbonic. Anglinē rugštis, carbonic acid. Anglis, -ies, sf. coal; medinē —, charcoal; akmeninē —, pit coal; stone coal. Angliškas, f. -ka, defin. -kasis, f. -koji, adj., —kai, adv. English. Anglius, -iaus, sm. coal man; coal merchant; charcoal burner. Angštas, = [[A Dictionary of the Lithuanian and English Languages/#|]]. Aniolas, -o, sm. = [[A Dictionary of the Lithuanian and English Languages/#|]]. Anyta, -os, sf. mother-in-law. Anyżiai, -ių, sm. pl. bot. anise pimpinella. Anisum vulgare or Pimpinella anisum. Anka, -os, sf. running knot; loop; sling. Ankaras, -o, sm. barrel; keg. Ankstas, -o, sm. early morning. Iš anksto, from early morn; beforehand; in advance. |
Anksti, adv. early; betimes. Ankstybas, f. -ba, defin. -basis, f. -boji, adj. early; ‖ premature. ‖ –bai, adv. early; prematurely. Ankstybē, -ēs, sf. earliness; ‖ prematureness; prematurity. Ankstybokas, f. -ka, adj. somewhat premature. Ankstinti (-nu, -nau, -nsiu), v. a. to do earlier than it is necessary. ‖ –s, v. rfl. to be early; to go fast. Ankstyvas, f. -va, adj. = [[A Dictionary of the Lithuanian and English Languages/#|]]. Ankstokas, f. -ka, defin. -kasis, f. -koji, adj. somewhat early, little too early; ‖ premature. ‖ –kai, adv. pretty early. Ankstumas, -o, sm. earliness. Ankstus, f. -ti, defin. -tusis, f. -sčioji, adj. early; ‖ premature. Ankščiai, adv. tightly; narrowly; straitly; closely; ‖ intimately. Ankščioti (-čioju, -čiojau, -čiosiu), v. n. –s, v. rfl. to pod; to produce pods or cods; to boll. Ankščiuotas, f. -ta, defin. -tasis, f. -toji, adj. coddy. Ankštas, f. -ta, defin. -tasis, f. -toji, adj. narrow; strait; tight. ‖ –tai, adv. tightly; narrowly; ‖ closely. Ankštētas, f. -ta, adj. = [[A Dictionary of the Lithuanian and English Languages/#|]]. Ankštybē, -ēs, sf. straitness; narrowness. Ankštingas, f. -ga, defin. -gasis, f. goji, adj. coddy; full of cods. Ankštinimas, -o, sm. (the act of) straitening; contracting. Ankštinis, f. -nē, adj. of a cod. Ankštinti (-nu, -nau, -nsiu), v. a. to tighten; to straiten; to make narrow; to contract. Ankštis (a'nkštis), -ies, sf. cod; pod; hull; shell (of pea, bean, etc.). 2. (an'kštis) strait; narrow pass; frith. Ankštokas, f. -ka, defin. -kasis, f. -koji, adj. pretty narrow; pretty strait. Ankštuma, -os, sf. strait; frith; narrow passage. Ankštumas, -o, sm. tightness; narrowness; straitness. Anodija, -os, sf. anodyne. Anoks, f. -kia, adj. of that kind; of that manner. Anonimas, -o, sm. anonymous writer. Anonimiškas, f. -ka, defin. -kasis, f. -koji, |
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