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adj. anonymous ‖ –kai, adv. anonymously.

Anot, Anote, prep. with gen. accordingly; according to. Anot kalbētojo żodżių, according to the words of the speaker.

Ans, f. -na, defin. -anasis, f. -anoji, pron. that; yon; yonder; that one.

Ant, prep. with gen. on; upon; in; by; at. Sveikas ant kuno, bet nesveikas ant proto, well in body, but sick in mind. Ant mano laikrodżio jau trečia, it is already three by my watch.

Antai, adv. there. Antai kur, see there; there it is. Kaip antai, as; to wit; namely.

Antakis, -io, sm. eyebrow.

Antanas, dim. -nēlis, (in cont.). -nytis, -niukas, sm. Anthony. Antanaitis, f. -tē, s. the son, daughter of Antanas. Antanienē, -ēs, sf. wife of Antanas.

Antanina, -os, sf. Antonina, Antonia.

Antapas, -o, sm. = [[A Dictionary of the Lithuanian and English Languages/#|]].

Antauga, -os, sf. excrescence.

Antauginti (-nu, -nau, -nsiu), v. a. to let grow.

Antaugti (-gu, -gau, -gsiu), v. n. to grow up; to increase.

Antaulis, -io, sm. gaiter.

Antausis, -io, sm. the upper part of the ear, or the part of the head just above the ear. Apskaldyti kam antausius, to box one's ears.

Antdēti (-dedu, -dējau, -dēsiu), v. a. to lay, put or place upon; to put one thing upon the other.

Antdrapanēs, -ių, sf. pl. menses; catamenial (or menstrual) discharges.

Anteiti (-einu, -ējau, -eisiu), v. n. to come in unexpectedly.

Antgalis, -io, sm. ferrule; chape (of a scabbard, etc.)

Antgalvis, -io, sm. heading; title.

Antgrabis, -io, sm. tombstone.

Antiena, -os, sf. meat of duck.

Antilių salos, f. pl. the Antilles; the Leeward Islands.

Antilopa, -os, sm. zool. antelope.

Antinis, f. -nē, adj. of a duck; anatine.

Antis, -ies, dim. -telē, sf. duck. Laukinē —, wild duck.

Antis, -čio, sm. bosom.

Antjoti (-joju, -jojau, -josiu), v. n. to

come up unexpectedly (on horseback).

Antkaisti, = [[A Dictionary of the Lithuanian and English Languages/#|]].

Antkaklis, -io, sm. necklace; fig. trouble; molestation; disturbance; perplexity.

Antkalnis, -io, sm. eminence; rising ground.

Antkapis, -io, sm. tomb hill; tombstone.

Antkrantis, -čio, sm. coast; shore.

Antkristi (-krintu, -kritau, -krisiu), v. n. to fall upon; to attack.

Antkritis, -čio, sm. attack; (ligos) fit; paroxysm.

Antkrutis, -čio, sm. stomacher; breastplate.

Antkurpiai, -ių, sm. pl. overshoe, rubber shoe.

Antlakas, -o, sm. flush; tinge; touch.

Antmesti (-metu, -mečiau, -mesiu), v. a. to throw on (upon), — kam jungą, to put a yoke on; to enslave; to bring into bondage.

Antnartis, -čio, sm. pillow case; tick of a pillow.

Antpirštis, -čio, sm. the fore part of a shoe; ‖ thimble.

Antpetis, -čio, sm. epaulet.

Antpludis, -dżio, sm. afflux; inroad; invasion.

Antplusti (-stu, -dau, -siu), v. n. to flow upon; to inundate; to invade.

Antpulti (-puolu, -puoliau, -pulsiu), v. n. to fall upon one; to attack, = [[A Dictionary of the Lithuanian and English Languages/#|]].

Antpuldinēti (-nēju, -nējau, -nēsiu), v. a. to attack.

Antpuolis, -io, sm. attack.

Antradienis, -io, sm. Tuesday.

Antraeilinis, f. -nē, Antraeilis, f. -lē, adj. of the second rank; of the second class; secondary.

Antraip, adv. in other way; otherwise; else.

Antralakai, -kų, sm. pl. grain of poorer quality.

Antramitis, f. -tē, s. two year old (said of a foal).

Antrankis, -io, sm. armlet; bracelet.

Antrarankis, f. -kē, adj. second-hand. ‖ s. sub-laborer; helper; auxiliary.

Antrarųšis, f. -šē, adj. of second sort, rank or class.