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Apdalinimas, -o, sm. the act of giving every one his share; distribution.

Apdalinti (-nu, -nau, -nsiu), v. a. to give every one his share; to distribute; to endow.

Apdanga, -os, sf. Apdangalas, -o, sm. cover; covering; ‖ cloths; clothes.

Apdangstinēti (-nēju, -jau, -nēsiu), Apdangstyti (-gstau, -gsčiau, -gstysiu), v. frq. Apdengti (-giu, -giau, -gsiu), v. a. to cover; to overspread; to shelter; to protect.

Apdaras, -o, sm. case; binding; frame; ‖ clothes; garment.

Apdarymas, -o, sm. [knygos] binding; [paveikslo] framing.

Apdarinēti (-nēju, -nējau, -nēsiu), v. frq., Apdaryti (-darau, -riau, -rysiu), v. a. to enchase; to bind; [paveikslą] to set in; to frame.

Apdaużinēti (-nēju, -nējau, -nēsiu), Apdaużyti (-żau, -žiau, -żysiu), v. a. to beat or knock from all sides. Apdaużyti kam antausius, to box one's ears.

Apdavai, , sm. pl. venomous matter; poison.

Apdegēlis, f. -lē, s. anything burnt around; ‖ one who suffered loss through a fire.

Apdeginti (-nu, -nau, -nsiu), v. a., to burn around.

Apdegti (-gu, -giau, -gsiu), v. n. to be burnt round.

Apdējimas, -o, sm. overlying; covering; setting round.

Apdengējas, f. -ja, s. coverer; shelterer.

Apdengimas, -o, sm. covering; sheltering; fig. clothes.

Apdengti, see [[A Dictionary of the Lithuanian and English Languages/#|]].

Apdergējas, f. -ja, s. slanderer; calumniator.

Apdergiantis, f. -ti, defin. -tysis, f. -čioji, prt. slanderous; calumnious.

Apdergimas, -o, sm. defamation; calumny; slander.

Apdergti (-giu, -giau, -gsiu), v. a. (vulg.) to defame; to slander; to calumniate; to abuse.

Apdēstinēti (-nēju, -nējau, -nēsiu), Apdēstyti (-dēstau, -dēsčiau, -dēstysiu), v. frq., Apdēti (-dedu, -dējau, -dēsiu), v. a. to lay over; to overlay: to set or put around.

Apdirbējas, f. -ja, s. finisher; preparer; provider; executor.

Apdirbimas, -o, sm. finishing; execution; preparation; [żemēs] cultivation; tillage.

Apdirbinėti (-nēju, -nējau, -nēsiu), v. frq., Apdirbti (-bu, -bau, -bsiui) v. a. to perform, to execute; to prepare; [żemę] to cultivate: to till the ground.

Apdirżti (-żtu, -żau, -šiu), v. n. to concrete; to thicken; to congeal.

Apdovanojimas, -o, sm. endowment; granting; investiture.

Apdovanotas, f. -ta, defin. -tasis, f. -toji, prt. endowed; presented with.

Apdovanoti (-noju, -nojau, -nosiu), v. a. to present with, to bestow on; to endow.

Apdrabstyti (-stau, -sčiau, -stysiu), v. frq. Apdrēbti (-biu, -biau, -bsiu), v. a. to spatter; to drop or throw on (with some dense fluid); — purvais, to bespatter with mud.

Apdraskyti (-kau, -kiau, -kysiu), v. a. to scrape off; to scratch off; to pull, touse or tear from all sides.

Apdraudimas, -o, sm. withholding; stop; stoppage; ‖ insurance.

Apdrausti (-draudżiu, -dżiau, -drausiu), v. a. to check; to retain; to rebuke; to quiet; to calm, to appease; to withhold. — samdininką ant vietos, to hire a servant for another term of service, to retain him; to re-employ; [nuo ugnies etc.] to insure.

Apdrēgti (-gstu, -gau, -gsiu), v. n. to become somewhat moist; to get damp.

Apdriskēlis, f. -lē, s. a ragged person; one clothed in rags.

Apdrożinēti (-nēju, -nējau, -nēsiu), v. frq. Apdrożti (-żiu, -żiau, -šiu), v. a. to whittle round; to cut round.

Apdujēlis, f. -lē, s. a crazy man; a crazy woman; blockhead; dolt.

Apdulkēti (-kstu, -kējau, -kēsiu), Apdulkti (-kstu, -kau, -ksiu), v. n. to become covered with dust; to be covered with dust.

Apdulkinti (-nu, -nau, -nsiu), v. a. to cover with dust; to besprinkle with dust.

Apdulkti, see [[A Dictionary of the Lithuanian and English Languages/#|]].

Apdumojimas, -o, sm. consideration; deliberation.