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Antras, f. -ra, defin. -rasis, f. -roji, adj. second; other.

Antrašas, -šo, sm. inscription; address.

Antravada, -os, sf. second wife.

Antrininkas, f. -kē, s. sub-laborer; sub-servant; helper: auxiliary.

Antrinis, f. -nē, adj. secondary.

Antrinti (-nu, -nau, -nsiu), v. a. to double; to repeat.

Antrys, -io, sm. boar.

Antskrebas, -o, sm. flap (of a hat).

Antsnukis, -io, sm. muzzle.

Antspaudas, -o, sm. pressure; ‖ seal.

Antspausti (-spaudżiu, -spaudżiau, -spausiu), v. a. to press upon; ‖ to seal.

Antstaktis, -čio, sm. lintel.

Antstolis, -io, sm. police-officer.

Antšlaitis, -čio, sm. slope.

Antvilkti (-velku, -vilkau, -vilksiu), v. a., to drag on, (upon): to cover (with something).

Antvożas, -o, sm. lid; cover; coverlet.

Anukas, -o, sm. grandson. Anukē, sf. granddaughter.

Anuokart, adv. not long ago; the other day.

Anuomet, adv. great while ago; several years ago; once.

Anuoti (-nuoju, -navau, -nuosiu), v. a. n. to toil; to labor; to work. ‖ [Bs.] to unite in sexual embraces.

Ap-, Apy-, insep. prep. or prefix to verbs, nouns, and adjectives. In many instances it corresponds with Latin circum-.

Apačia, -ios, sf. side underneath: bottom. Apačioj, adv. beneath; below; underneath.

Apakēlis, f. -lē, s. (in cont.) blind person; fig. blockhead; jackass; dolt.

Apakimas, -o, sm. loss of sight; blindness: fig. want of judgment.

Apakinti (-nu, -nau, -nsiu), v. a. to make blind; fig. to stultify; to make foolish.

Apakti (-anku, -akau, -aksiu), v. n. to become blind: to lose the eyesight.

Apalpimas, -o, sm. faintness; swoon.

Apalpti (-pstu, -pau, -psiu), v. n. to swoon; to fail into a swoon.

Apara, -os, f. ploughed field.

Apart, prep. with gen. besides; except;

but. Apart tavęs aš jokio kito draugo neturiu, I have no other friend but you.

Apartē, -ēs, sf. shoe-string; shoe-lace.

Aparti (-ariu, -ariau, -arsiu), v. a. to plough up; to finish ploughing.

Apaštalas, -o, sm. apostle.

Apaštalystē, -ēs, sf. apostleship.

Apaštališkas, f. -ka, defin. -kasis, f. -koji, adj. apostolic, apostolical. ‖ –kai, adv. apostolically.

Apatinis, f. -nē, defin. -nysis, f. -nioji, adj. lower; nether; inferior. Apatinē dalis, the under part of a thing.

Apaugęs, f. -gusi, prt. overgrown with.

Apaugimas, -o, sm. the state of being overgrown.

Apauginimas, -o, sm. the act of bringing about overgrowth.

Apauginti (-nu, -nau, -nsiu), v. a. to overgrow; to cover with growth.

Apaugti (-gu, -gau, -gsiu), v. n. to overgrow: to close by growing.

Apauksuoti (-suoju, -savau, -suosiu), v. a. to gild; to overlay with gold.

Apauti (-aunu, -aviau, -ausiu), v. a. to put on boots or shoes.

Apautuvas, -o, sm. covering for the foot; boots, shoes, stockings, etc.

Apavas, -o, sm. = [[A Dictionary of the Lithuanian and English Languages/#|]].

Apavimas, -o, sm. the act of putting on shoes.

Apčiaupti (-piu, -piau, -psiu), v. a. to mouth; to encompass into the mouth; fig. to seize; to take possession by force.

Apčystyti = [[A Dictionary of the Lithuanian and English Languages/#|]].

Apčiuopti (-piu, -piau, -psiu), v. a. to feel; to touch.

Apčiupinējimas, -o, sm. groping; feeling; touching.

Apčiupinēti (-nēju, -nējau, -nēsiu), v. a. to grope; to touch on all sides; to feel.

Apdabinimas, -o, sm. adorning; adornment.

Apdabinti (-nu, -nau, -nsiu), v. a. to adorn; to embellish; to ornament; to grace.

Apdabintojas, f. -ja, s. adorner; decorator.

Apdagas, -o, sm. burn; sunburnt complexion.