Page:Life, trial and execution of Mary Thompson, aged 19.pdf/7

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The devil and his subtile ways,
Are hard to understanh.

After you persue this book,
I hope that you will guard,
Against a similar overthrow,
You see what’s my reward.

To die upon the gallows tree
For what I never did.
May it not happen unto there.
I pray not, God forbid.

May God still give you grace to choose.
While you’re in single life,
To fiy upon a proper man,
To whom you’ll be a wife.

Oh! you that have not hearts of stone,
Attend to what I say,
For death has seal’d my eurly doom,
And summon’d me away.

Alas this dreadful fate of minr,
That I should die in scorn,
Although us guiltless of the crime,
As is the bebe unborn.

To atone for blood I never shed,
In midst of youth and bloom,
I to the fatal scaffold led,
Must meet the murderer’s doom.

And while I stand exposed there,

Before the knot is tied,