Page:Life, trial and execution of Mary Thompson, aged 19.pdf/8

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My innocence I will declare,
To all the world beside.

Farewell my eaged mother dear,
Your tender heart is broke.
Alas! you,ll neuer live I feer,
To bear this crael stroke.

What would your tender bosom feel,
To see your darling child,
That you had nourish’d at your breast.
Brought to an end so vile.

Before my eyes are clos'd I pray,
And Heav'n my prayeas hear,
My innocence may be reveal'd,
And be as noon day clear.

And bring the hand to light,
Who did the horrid deed,
That all may know poor Mary Thomson
Was innocent indeed

She met her ignominious death,
Resingn’d to he hard fate,
But scarce had yielded up her breath,
When awful to relate,

A man confess'd unto the crime,
For which the maiden died,
And now in Irons is confined,
His trial to abide.