Page:Life Amongst the Modocs.djvu/126

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be murdered, one by one, in spite of the promises and half-extended protection of the Government.

Let Germans, to-day, enter, helpless and unarmed, even into civilized Paris, and sit down there without ample protection, and see how it would be ! Compel certain celebrated leaders of the North to go down unarmed and pitch their tents under the palm-trees of the Ku-Klux, and mark what would follow !

The Indian agent of this Reservation by the sea, who had Indians gathered in from a thousand miles of territory, could not understand why Indians would fighi among themselves. u Ah! but they are a vile set," he said : u they fight among themselves like dogs. They are a low set. They will soon kill each other off." And so they did.

The miserable heathens were as bad as the Christians of the North and South. They fought amongst each other. The ungrateful wretches ! To fight amongst themselves after all the Government had done for them ! Why did they not keep quiet, and die of small-pox and cholera in the little pens built for them, all at the expense of the Government?

If the Government invites settlers to a place, and sells or gives away land that does not yet belong to the Government, and a difficulty arises between the immigrant and the Indian, and the whites get the worst of it, why, send in a thousand young lieute nants, thirsting for glory, and they will soon bring them to terms, at a cost to the Government only a few hundred times more than it would take to set the