Page:Life Amongst the Modocs.djvu/127

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Indians up comfortably for life. But if the Indians get the worst of any little misunderstanding that may arise, why why, they get the worst of it, and what is the use to interfere !

I was present once when the superintendent sent a delegation of half-civilized Indians into the moun tains to the chief of the Shastas, old Worrotetot, called Black-beard by the whites, for he was bearded like a prophet, to ask him to surrender and go on to the Reservation.

u Where is the Superintendent, the man of blankets?"

u Down in the valley, at the base of the Shasta mountain."

" Well, that is all right, I suppose. Let him stay there, if he likes, and I will stay here."

u But we must take him an answer. Will you go or not?"

" What can I do if I go?"

u You shall have a house, a farm, and horses."

" Where?"

u Down at the Reservation, by the sea."

" Ba,h! give me a piece of land down by the sea? Where did he get it to give ? Tell me that. The white men took it from the Indians, and now want to give it to me. I won t have it. It is not theirs to give. They drove the Indians off, and stole their land and camping places. I could have done that myself. No. You go and tell your great father, the blanket-maker, I do not want that land. I have