Page:Life Amongst the Modocs.djvu/176

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The Doctor would sit there too, in silence, close at hand, and dream and forget the ways of man ; and, perhaps, think sadly, but certainly enough, there was one place, one narrow place, at last, where he would fit in and no one would come to disturb him.

Klamat would come in with a string of quails, sometimes, at dusk, or a venison saddle, a red fox or a badger, stand his gun in the corner with his club, and turn himself to rest close at hand.

Paquita would drop down from the woods on the hill above the cabin, the little belle and beauty of the camp. But she never spoke to the miners or any one, save to only answer them in the briefest way possible.

They hardly liked this ; and they hardly liked the Prince from the start, I think, anyhow. He was, as an expression of the time went, a little too " fine-haired. " He spoke too properly ; he never u got on any glo rious benders," with the western men, nor could he eat codfish, or talk about Boston, with the eastern. He took hold of no man s hand hastily.

I like that.

Paquita had a great deal to tell about Mount Shasta. She had been on the side beyond. In fact her home was there, she said, and she de scribed the whole land in detail. A country sloping off gradually toward the east and south; densely timbered, save little dimples of green prairies, alive with game, dotted down here and there, buried in the dark and splendid forests on the little trout