Page:Life Amongst the Modocs.djvu/177

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streams that wound still and crooked through wood and meadow.

She had been out here on the Klamat on a visit, with her mother and others, the fall and winter before. She said they had come down from the lakes in canoes. She also insisted strongly that her father was a great chief of the Modocs and mountain Shastas.

Indians are great travellers, far greater than is generally believed, and it was quite reasonable to take that part of the young lady s story as literally true; but the part about her father being a great chief was set down as one of her innocent fictions by which she wished to dignify herself, and appear of some importance in the eyes of the Prince.

Still as there had been quite a sensation in camp about new mines in that direction, it was interesting to talk to one who had been through the country, and could give us some accurate account of it. After that, finding the Prince was interested enough to listen, she would take great pleasure in describing the country, character, and habits of the Indians, and the kind of game with which the forest abounded.

She would map out on the ground with a stick the whole country, as you would draw a chart on the black board.

The feeling against the Doctor had not yet blown over. It was pretty generally understood that the sheriff or a deputy from across the mountain would soon be over with a warrant for his app