Page:Life Amongst the Modocs.djvu/230

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seem to be much prized. No great plans, no excite ment, that usually attends a discovery. These two men seemed to care more for it as a proof of their theory about the origin and growth of gold than for the gold itself.

They brought in and laid on a shelf in the corner pieces of gold and quartz with as little concern as if they had been geological specimens of slate or granite. You cannot be greatly surprised at this, however, when you remember how plentiful gold was, how little it was worth there, and that at that time it was thought to abound in every canon in the country.

Paquita had not returned. We had come almost not to mention her now at all. Often and often, all through the spring and early summer, I saw the Prince stand out as the sun went down, and shade his brow with his hand, looking the way she had gone. I think it was this that kept him here so faithfully. He would not remain away a single night, either to hunt for gold or game, lest she might return, find him away, and need in some way his assistance.

The Doctor sometimes took long journeys down toward the valley to the south, and even fell in with white men, as well as Indians, after two or three days ride in that direction, and thought of going down that way out of the reach of the snow, and building him a house for the winter. No one objected to this; but when he was ready