Page:Life Amongst the Modocs.djvu/231

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to go away y

the Prince compelled him to take all the gold they had taken from the mine, even against his utmost remonstrance.

"Take it," said the Prince, " every ounce of it. You may be called to use it. Here it is not worth that much lead." And he put the buckskin bag into the Doctor s catenas, and resolutely buckled them down.

Another incident worth mentioning is their agree ment to never reveal the existence of the mine. Their reasons were of the noblest kind, sufficient, above every selfish consideration.

" In the first place," said they, " the gold is of doubtful utility to the world at best. But if this mine is made known, a flood of people will pour in here; the game, the forests, all this wild, splendid part of nature will disappear. The white man and the red man will antagonize, the massacre of the Klamat will be repeated; and for all this, what will be the consideration? Nothing, whatever, but gold, and we have quite enough of that, and what do we owe the world?"

Back of all this, it was extremely doubtful whether the mine would yield anything better than this little " pocket."

For my own part, I would banish gold and silver, as a commercial medium, from the face of the earth. I would abolish the use of gold and silver alto gether, have paper currency, and but one currency in all the world. I propose to take