Page:Life Amongst the Modocs.djvu/244

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u I must go away. You are happy here ; you will remain, but I must go. After many years I will return. You will meet me here on this spot, years and years from to-day. Yes, it will be many years ; a long time. But it is short enough, and long enough. I will forget her it I will forget by that time, you see, and then there is all the world before me to wander in."

He made the sign of departure. The chief came forward, Paquita came and stood at his side. He reached his hands, took her in his arms, pressed her to his breast an instant, kissed her pure brow once, with her great black eyes lifted to his, but said no word.

The Indians were mute with wonder and sorrow. When you give the sign of going, there is no one to say nay here. No one importunes you to stay ; no one says come to my place or come to mine. No such folly. You know that you are welcome to one and all, and they know that if you wish to go, you wish to go, and that is all there is of it. This is the highest type of politeness ; the perfect hospitality.

The Prince turned to his steed, drew his red silk sash tighter about his waist, undid the lasso, wound the lariat on his arm, and wove his hand in the flow ing mane as the black horse plunged and beat the air with his feet. Then he set him back on his haunches, sprang from the ground, and forward plunged the steed with mane like a storm, down the place of oaks, pitching towards the