Page:Life Amongst the Modocs.djvu/245

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The trees seemed to open rank as he passed, and then to close again ; a hand was lifted, a kiss thrown back across the shoulder, and he was gone gone down in the sea below us, and I never saw my Prince again for many a year. Noble, generous, self- denying Prince ! The most splendid type of the chivalric and the perfect man I had ever met.

All this was so sudden that I hardly felt the weight of it at first, and for want of something to do to fill the blank that followed, I mounted my horse and took part in the sports with the gayest of the gay.

Indians do not speak of anything that happens suddenly. They think it over, all to themselves, for days, unless it is a thing that requires some action or expression at once, and then speak of it only cautiously and casually. It is considered very vulgar indeed to give any expression to surprise, and nothing is more out of taste than to talk about a thing that you have not first had good time to think about.

During the day I noticed that my catenas were heavier than usual, and unfastening the pockets, I found that they contained all four of the bags of gold.

Why had he left himself destitute ? Why had he gone down to battle with the world without a shield ? gone to fight Goliath, as it were, without so much as a little stone. I wanted to follow him and make him take the money all of it. I d