Page:Life Amongst the Modocs.djvu/53

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with tin. Forgot what I told you, I should think. Now, you count out my change, or by the holy spoons, I ll pitch you in there, neck and crop, among the salmon."

And here the tall man reached for the man in blue who in turn turned red and white and black, and when he had retreated to the water s edge and saw the tall man still advancing and reaching for him, thrust his hand into his capacious pocket and counted down the coin in a very methodical and business-like way, into the hand of the other.

Then the tall man laughed good-naturedly, bade the boatman good-bye, came up and coolly tied his <;oat on behind my saddle, and we set forward up the trail.

The tall man hummed an air as he followed in the trail behind my pony, the boatman swore a little as he untied his boat, and the arrowy, silver river shot away towards the sea between its rocky walls, with its thousands of listless, dreamy Indians on its banks.

I take it to be a good sign if a strong, good- natured man who has a fair opportunity, does not talk to you much, at first. In fact, as a rule, you should be cautious of over-talkative strangers. Such persons have either not sense enough to keep quiet; not brains enough to ballast their tongues, as it were, or are low and vicious people who feel their littleness and feel that they must talk themselves into some