Page:Life Amongst the Modocs.djvu/54

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After we had gone on in silence for some time r on turning a point in the trail we saw a man approach ing from the other direction. A strong, fine-looking man was this also, mounted on a sleek, well-fed mule with his long ears set sharply forward ; a sure sign that he was on good terms with his rider. The mule brayed lustily, and then pointed his two ears keenly at us as if they were opera-glasses, and we a sort of travelling theatre.

The man was richly dressed, for the mountains ; sported a moustache, top-boots, fur vest, cloth coat,, a broad palm hat, and had diamonds in the bosom of his shirt. A costly cloak on his shoulders, yellow buckskin gauntlets, a rich, red sash around his waist, where swung a pair of Colt s new patent, and a great gold chain made up by linking speci mens of native gold together, made up this man s attire. His great hat sheltered him like a palm.