Page:Life Amongst the Modocs.djvu/55

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HE man did not notice me, but made straight up to my companion until his mule s opera-glasses nearly touched the tall man s nose, who was now in a little trail at my side.

Then the man under the palm-leaf let go the reins, leaned back as the mule stopped, put his two hands on the saddle pommel, and slowly, emphati cally, and with the most evident surprise, as he raised one hand and pushed back the palm-leaf clear off his eyes to get a good square look at my com panion, said :

u Well blast my sister s cat s-tail to the bone ! Is this you, Prince Hal, or is it Hamlet s daddy s ghost? You back from the war-path, afoot and alone ! Angels and ministers of grace defend us !

Spirits of the"

And here as if the mention of the first-named in the sentence had suddenly inspired him with a new