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3 lacs. Tin: fixed assets of. the Institute at present amounts in round figurus to 10; lacs of rupees.

These results of the first year‘s existence of the Institute an- the inoro rummaging in vii-w of war conditions. and it is thus reasonable to hope that of tho largo initial (-ash midownu-nt aimed at. as explain- ed lwlow, a sohstantial proportion of the halant'e still required, say I") law, in addition to thoso alri-ady investr-d may in: ohtaincd in the mining,r your. Tln- widv IllIt‘l‘l‘Ht already expressed in (hilt-rent parts

of Illtll‘t is hi-re of fawonrahlv angnry.


'l‘lm Board of Mariam-rs taku this opportunity to make tlu-ir ack- nowledgmonts for tho Iihoral grant madc- hy tho (lot'vrnmcnt of India and the (lowrnnn-nt of Bengal nndor the sanction of tho Scion-tarry of \‘tate, and also for the i'rI-ation of six S(_-liolar.~liips for tln- Institute. The SI'CI‘GttU‘y ot‘ Stati- and thi- Governments of India and Bengal have furthvr i-xprosst-d thoir di-sire to witva thvir grants which will he inilnonood hy thv extc-nt to whir'h privato donations are fortln'oniing.

The: Board also oll’or thvir rpm-la] thanks to His I'chvllenry Lord Iti'nialdsnay, (iowrnor of Bengal, for his keen intvl't'rgt in tho- sum-uss of thi- lnstilnt:-, and for making over to tho 'l'rnsteos a largo

plot of valnahlv land for tho l'th‘llSIOll of :ln- Institute.

St nomnsnxrs no A\.\‘l'AL Si'nsi-mr'rioxs.

'I‘Iw Board also wish to i'xprOSs thvir thanks for tho NU\Vlei Si-holarship l't‘t't‘IVt'Il through Mr. Kanga on lit-half of tho donor: also for tho l'rmila Ih-vi Scholarship. 'I'In-y also wish to truth their an:- kilnwlt'tllnt‘llt to Mr. Jatmmdas lhiarkadas for the first instahuent of Its. ISUUO of his donation of Its. 24,UUU, to he used for a. Scholar ship Fund or any other ohjm-ts of tho Institute. Rao llahadur Jatnnalal llajaj of Warduh, besides his subscription of Rs. 5,000, has made a provision for the annual paynwnt of the interest from a Fund of Its, 20.000. The l'lltlllt’lut lirm oi' pllhlisln't‘s. Messrs. Longmuns, (lrvon and Company, haw made a provision for tho annual paynn-nt of Rs, 2.30; such iravtioal intorvst in thr- Sllf't‘eSS of tho Institute from outsido India is lllIlItI'l' of gratification.

Finally the Board rerords the help of thr- Municipal Corporation of Calcutta. who have generously resolved that the buildings and