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Page:Life Movements in Plants.djvu/287

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grounds of the Institute shall he tax-free in all time coming. The Trustees and Managers gratefully appret'iate this suhx‘tantial eoneession and tender their thanks to the Corporation through its esteuned Chair" man, the llon'hle Mr. Payne. 1.0.3.



The Bose Institute ha< a very wide tiehl of aetivity. In order adequately to equip, maintain. and earry out any one of the present main hranchea of investigation an endowment of at leax‘t l2 lzlt't-l of rupees would he required. Yet no less than six hram-hea ol’ investiga— tions havenheen more or loss oponml, which will inelmle l’hysit's. Plant. Physiology, Animal Physiology, l’syt-ho—l’lwsies, l’rau-tieal application in Agriculture, and also in Medicine.

The extent of the :n-tivily ol' the lnr‘titnte in Caeh of these hranohea is then-fore limited liy its endowment“. [n Ul'lll‘l‘ that further liegin-

nings shouhl he made. an t‘lltltl\\lll('llt of :34 lane is requirml.

APPROXIMATE ESTIMATE FOR FULL WORKING I)!“ USE HF l'lll'l ABOVE l)l".l'.\l('l‘.\lli\'l'3.

Per month.

Its. Ar-h'lhtalllt Director en a pay of lta. 500M700 or average Re. tint) per month tint) ()uc Ansistant at RN“. 2:30 aml two at Na. 2”” 65” General apparatus and fittings. aml huihling extensions, to be spread owr a period of )Uars, montth 233.0“ Cost, of apparatus to he let'ittll)’ imentml uml mann- fat-turetl at the llHtltllto: work<hop L001) Supply of power. gm“, etc. HM} Share of Lihrarian aml elerieal stall lUU ” ,1 Collection of lHHJlx'H of I'i-fert‘m'e. Ht'imitlfic journal, ete. 250 ,, ., Service ... DU ,, ,, Cost of upkeep 50 Monthly total l’m. 5,000 Annual ., ,, 60,001)

Thus the endowment required for full working for each of thew-

future departments at an annual expense of Ra. 60,000 at average