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of nterest is 12 lacs of rupees. The whole rate per cent at present available for all departments is only aboni 7 amount lace. Ilence fur each and every purpose, the needed endowment is a yet only in its heginning ; nnd further appeal to tlhe generosity of donors, both great and simull, is tius urgently required


The aove sheme of six complete Researh Dertments is thus for gradu Transactions will eontain papers in two of these deparments, and ext year's volumes will inelude papers in more. accomplishent thronghout the coming years. This year's the complete development of any Ilence stad of or two departnents to the exclsion of others, al are ore or less in even active tiative, despie inadequate resources donatios a endowments way of progreas, Though some speciti departments-a mode of assistance wich is mueh appreciated a majority are given to e employed year by year within the discretio of the are already allocated to Director and Board of Managers towards sch general or Heeial developents as are or may be from time to time, most practicable and fruitful. In summary then, while the ultimate cudowment aimed at is no less tha x 12 lacs, tle amount at present ainmed ut, to provide the growing reqairements of the next liree years 1919-21, is esti- at about one-third of the above amount, say 24 lacs, of mated whih oly 7 laes are as yet available

RecEIPTs P To OTOBER 1918. FTS AND DoNaTIoNs 1917-18

Sir J. C. ose Rs (1) Land, Institute Buildings, Apparatus, Fittings ete., valed at 3.00,000 . Notes for the pkeep of the Institute gift of property, movahle and life-nterest of Lady (2) 1,00,000 (3) Contingent mmovable, sulject to Вose, valued at 2 lacs. S. R. Bomanji, Es , of Bomlay, for extension of the lustitute 1,00,000