Page:Life and prophecies of that faithful minister of God's word, Mr Donald Cargill.pdf/47

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of Mr. Donald Cargill.

and now persuaded I'll die a violent death, in the same spot where he died.

However, Argyle got together above 1500 men, and expected a great many more would have joined him, in order to oppose the King and Council in their bloody cruelties carried on in these days, but he was disappointed, and after several unsuccessful attempts, without ever coming to any total action, and his officers differing among themselves, the most of his men deserted, and finding it impracticable to do any thing to purpose, he dismissed the whole, and put himself in disguise but was soon taken by a few militia at the water of Inchinnan. He was carried to Edinburgh with a strong guard, and by order of the Council carried up the street with his hands tied behind his back, and bare headed, the hangman going before him, and lodged in the castle: And in order to make quick work, the sentence that was passed against him in 1681, three years before, for his explication of the test, was put in execution without bringing him to any further trial. While in the castle he had these remarkable expressions in conversation with a dear friend. "My gross compliances are now sad and grievous to me: for these the Lord would not honour some to be instrumental in his work, but I desire to die in the faith of a deliverance to his church and people; and tho' I will not take upon me to be a prophet, yet having strong impressions thereof upon my spirit, I doubt not but her deliverance will come very suddenly, and I hope it shall be well. It is true, my family is low; and I have nothing to leave them; but if they seek God they will be wonderfully seen to and provided for; and if they do not, I care not what come of them. I fear some have eyed me too much as an instrument. Lean not to the arm of flesh." The day of his execution (30th June 1685,) his Lordship dined with grave and becoming chearfulness; and being used to sleep a little after meat, he retired to the closet, and laid himself down on