Page:Life and prophecies of that faithful minister of God's word, Mr Donald Cargill.pdf/48

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The Life and Prophesies

a bed, and for about a quarter of an hour slept as as sweetly and pleasant as ever. Meanwhile an officer of state came in and inquired for him. His friends told him that his Lordship as usual was taking a nap after dinner, and desired that he might not be disturbed. When he saw the Earl in that posture, he was so impressed, that he hasted from the castle to a relation's in the Castlehill, and throwing himself on a bed, discovered great distress of mind; and, when asked the cause of all his trouble, said, I have been in at Argyle, and saw him deep as pleasantly as ever a man did, and he is now within an hour of eternity; but as for me, &c.

His Lordship, when he came to the Scaffold, delivered a very judicious and pious discourse to the spectators; after which, having taken Leave of his friends, he at last kneeled down, and, embracing the maiden, said, "This is the sweetest maiden I ever kissed, it being the mean to finish my sin and misery, and my inlet to glory, for which I long." Then he prayed a little within himself, thrice uttering these words, "Lord Jesus, receive me into thy glory and lifting up his hand, which was the signal, the executioner did his work.

Thus died the noble Earl of Argyle, a martyr not only to the protestant religion, but also bearing his last testimony against prelacy as well as popery. His too great compliances with the managers previous to the affairs of the test, lay heavy upon him to the last, but nothing grieved him so much as the unhappy vote he gave against Mr. Cargill.


j. neilson, printer.