180-182; supports Harrison, 186-188; meets Harrison, 189; resolution to repeal sub-treasury act, 190, 191; patronage, 192, 193; relations with Harrison, 194-196; with Tyler, 199, 200; correspondence with Tyler, 201, 202; takes command in Congress, 204; reports bank bill, 205, 206; censures veto, 207; land bill, 210; favors resignation of Cabinet, 212, 213; rallies Whig party against Tyler, 215, 216; his leadership, 217-219, 220; constitutional amendments, 221-223; resolutions concerning retrenchment and revenue, 223; farewell to the Senate, 223; meets Calhoun, 224; on Whig policy, 226, 227; at home, 228; nominations for presidency, 228; Mendenhall speech, 230-232; thanks Giddings, 234; traveling, 241, 242; understanding with Van Buren, 243; Raleigh letter on Texas, 244, 245; nominated for President, 249; relations with Birney, 254; on United States Bank, 255; defending himself, 258; Alabama letter, 259-261; effect of Alabama letters, 261-264; defeat, 264-267; at home relieved of debt, 268, 269; at meeting of Colonization Society, 269, 270, 280, 286; on death of his son, 287; speech on Mexican war, 289-291; aspirant to presidency, 291; opposition to, 292, 293, 295; at Washington, 296, 297; popular demonstrations, 297; receives letter from General Taylor, 298; letter on Whig policy, 299; defeated in convention, 305; refuses to support Taylor, 306-309; on emancipation, 315-318; elected Senator, 318; at Washington, relations with Taylor, 322; expectations, 323-325, 327, 328; a plan of compromise, 329-333; declaration against slavery extension, 333, 334; physical weakness, 334; speech in support of compromise, 335-337; eulogizes Calhoun, 339; on Seward, 344, 345, 346; reports compromise bills, 347-349; criticises Taylor, 352, 354; closing speech on compromise, 355-358; defeat of compromise bills, 358-361; goes to Newport, 361; returns to Washington, 364; retrospect, 364-369; speech to Kentucky legislature, 376; compromise manifesto, 377; on African slave-trade, 378; on Shadrach case, 379-381; on tariff and river and harbor bill, 382, 383; refuses constructive mileage, 383, 384; goes to Cuba and returns, 384; declines to be a candidate for the presidency, 385; letter to New York committee, 386-388; on Southern extremists, returns to Washington, 390; on fugitive-slave law, 391; addressing Kossuth, 393-395; on prospects of Whig party, 395, 396; advises Filmore's nomination, 400, 401; on his death-bed, 403-405; death, 405; character and career, 406-414.
Clay, Thomas, ii., 405.
Clay, Henry, Jr., ii., 286, 287.
Clayton, John M., i., 376; on tariff compromise, ii., 16, 17; on four years term law, 68; against expunging resolution, 101; opposes Van Buren's policy, 135, 180, 186.
Clemens, Jeremiah, Senator from Alabama, ii., 374.
Clinton, De Witt, candidate for presidency, 222, 259.
Cobb, Howell, speaker, ii., 325, 374.
Collamer, Jacob, Postmaster General, ii., 320.
Colonization Society, i., 302, ff; ii., 269.
Compromise, Missouri, i., 172, ff; of 1833, ii., 1, ff; of 1850, 329, ff.
Cooper, James, ii., 349.
Corwin, Thomas, ii., 186, 329; Secretary of the Treasury, 354.
Craig, Sir James, Governor of Canada, i., 82.
Crawford, George W., Secretary of War, ii., 320.
Crawford, W. H., Secretary of the Treasury, candidate for presidency, i., 222, 223, 232, 238, 249, 258, 311.
Crittenden, J. J., i., 238, 247; against expunging resolution, ii., 101; opposes Van Buren's policy, 135; Attorney-General, 190; Senator, 224, 225, 246, 292; Attorney-General, 355.
Curtis, Edward, ii., 192, 193.
Dallas, Alexander G., Secretary of
the Treasury, proposes tariff, i.,
130; proposes specie-paying
national banks, 131.
Dallas, George M., nominated for vice-president, ii., 251.
Daschkoff, Russian Minister, offers Russian mediation, i., 99.
Davis, Jefferson, ii., 322, 329, 333, 349.
Davis, John, ii., 229, 329.
Democratic Party, origin of, i., 311 318; ii., 137, 144, 182, 188, 206, 219, 236, 250-252, 264, 279, 281, 288, 300, 303, 304, 313, 327, 333, 401.