Dickinson, Daniel S., ii., 302, 303, 329.
Dix, John A., ii., 303, 311.
Douglas, Stephen A., ii., 271, 329, 349, 403.
Duane, William J., Secretary of the Treasury, opposes removal of deposits, ii., 26, 27; removed, 28.
Eaton, John H., i., 238, 245, 329, 379.
Ellwanger, Amos, i., 342.
Emancipation, i., 27, ff; movement in Kentucky, 29, 30; ii., 315.
Erskine, British Minister, i., 73, 91.
Eustis, William, offers resolution to admit Missouri, i., 185.
Everett, Edward, ii., 186.
Ewing, Thomas, i., 376; opposes removal of deposits, ii., 36; on appointing and removing power, 61, 68; against expunging resolution, 101, 186; Secretary of Treasury, 190; report, 204, 208; resigns, 213.
Expunging resolution, ii., 99, ff; passed, 104.
Father Mathew, ii., 327.
Federalists, i., 31, 32, 59, 89, 129; opposing tariff of 1816, 129; opposing U. S. Bank, 133; principles of, 136; decline of, 140, 311, 316, 317.
Fessenden, W. Pitt, i., 380.
Field, David Dudley, ii., 258.
Filmore, Millard, nominated for vice-presidency, 305; character, 354; aspirant to the presidential nomination, 399, 400.
Flagg, Azariah, ii., 311.
Florida, West, i., 57, ff; Jackson Florida war, 151, 152; treaty for cession of, 162.
Floyd, John, on Missouri, i., 190, 191, 279.
Foote, Henry S., ii., 329, 346.
Forsyth, John, i., 244.
France, the continental system, Milan decree, i., 69; offensive conduct, 74; difficulties with the U. S., ii., 25, ff.
Free Soilers, ii., 311, 313, 341.
Frelinghuysen, Theodore, on four years term law, ii., 68; nominated for vice-president, 249.
Fugitive-slave law, i., 182; ii., 332, 348, 362, 369-371, 375-6, 378, 380-1.
Gaines, General, ii., 90.
Gallatin, Albert, Secretary of the Treasury, report on internal improvements, i., 46; report on manufacturing industries, 55; on U. S. Bank, 62-64; appointed peace commissioner, 100; at Ghent, 105, ff; in London, 124, 128; for Greek cause, 208; Panama mission, 293; Minister to England, 297; negotiations about colonial trade, 298; slave extradition, 301; attacked by Clay, 362-4; ii., 35; promoting specie payments, 142, 201, 410.
Gambier, Lord, British peace commissioner, i., 105, 124.
Garrison, William Lloyd, ii., 71, 74, 75, 76.
Ghent, designated for meeting of peace commissioners, i., 102; beginning of negotiations at, 107, ff; treaty signed, 112, 122.
Giddings, Joshua R., ii., 233, 234, 378.
Goulburn, Henry, British peace commissioner, i., 105, 124.
Gouverneur, Samuel L., ii., 82.
Granger, Francis, i., 343; candidate for vice-presidency, ii., 97; Postmaster General, 190.
Greece, i., 208, ff.
Great Britain, feeling against, i., 49; blockade, orders in council, i., 69; impressment of seamen, 70; peace with, 112: negotiation with, 124; negotiation concerning colonial trade, 297, 298; ii., 237.
Greeley, Horace, ii., 192, 263, 318.
Grundy, Felix, belonging to war party, i., 78.
Hale, John P., ii., 310, 311, 329, 378.
Hamilton, Col. James A., i., 329, 336.
Hamlin, Hannibal, ii., 329, 351.
Harrison, William H., General in war of 1812, i., 98, 105; nominated for presidency, ii., 97, 174; again nominated for presidency, 179, 184, 185; elected, 188; meets Clay, 189-190; relations with Clay, 194-196; death, 197.
Hart, Lucretia, Mrs. Clay, i., 24.
Hart, Thomas, i., 37.
Harvey, James E., ii., 323.
Henderson, T. P., ii., 239.
Henry, Patrick, on emancipation, i., 28, 29.
Henry, John, i., 82.
Herrera, president of Mexico, ii., 276.
Hill, Isaac, i., 344, 352.
Hoist, Von, Dr. H., ii., 106.
Horsey, Outerbridge, on West Florida case, i., 59, 60.
Houston, Sam., ii., 89, 90; president of Texas, 238; rejects armistice; 239, 329.
Huelsemann, Chevalier, ii., 391
Hunkers, ii., 303.