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Mangum, W. P., ii., 68, 329.

Mann, Abijah, ii., 311.

Marcy, William L., i., 367; Secretary of War, ii., 303.

Marshall, Humphrey, i., 51; duel, 52.

Marshall, John, i., 7, 256.

Mason, James M., ii., 329, 337, 349.

Mason, Jeremiah, i., 352.

McLane, Louis, i., 347; on public lands, 369; Secretary of State, ii., 26.

McLean, John, Postmaster General, i., 258, 281.

Mendenhall, ii., 230.

Mexican war, ii., 274-289.

Middleton, Henry, i., 160, 271.

Miller, Stephen F., ii., 260.

Missouri, bill admitting, i., 172, ff; second phase of question, 183, ff; admitted, 192; the Missouri compromise, 194.

Monroe, James, i., 71; Secretary of State, 126; elected President, 140; his Cabinet arrangements, 141; makes John Quincy Adams Secretary of State, 141, 146, 147, 148, 161, 163, 164; message, 142, 146; Spanish Am. colonies, 149, 150, 161; on Texas, 164; message in favor of recognizing Spanish Amer. republics. 168; reëlected President, 190, 200, 201, 204, 206; Monroe doctrine, 210; 221, 409; ii., 410; sympathizes with Greeks, 209.

Morris, Thomas, ii., 253.

Murphy, American agent in Texas, ii., 239, 240.

Napoleon, emperor of the French, i., 69, 70, 74, 76, 87, 99, 106, 117.

Nashville Convention, ii., 321, 353, 373.

Native Americans, ii., 265, 294.

Nelson, John, Secretary of State pro tem., ii., 239, 240.

New Orleans, battle of, i., 117, 118.

Nullification, ii., 2, ff.

O'Connell, Daniel, ii., 327.

Omnibus bill, ii., 348, 351, 361.

Opdyke, George, ii., 311.

Orders in Council, i., 69, 73, 75, 87, 117.

Oregon, ii., 277-282, 292, 311.

Panama Congress, i., 267-273. Paredes, president of Mexico, ii., 276; reftises to receive U. S. Minister, 282.

Patriot war, ii., 150.

Patronage, i., 259-262, 289, 332, ff; ii., 60, ff.

Petitions, business distress, ii., 36, ff; anti-slavery, 78-81, 152-154.

Pickering, Timothy, on West Florida case, i., 59, 62.

Pierce, Franklin, nominated for the presidency, ii., 401.

Pindell, Richard, ii., 316.

Plumer, William, on Clay's appearance in the Senate, i., 47, 48.

Poindexter, George, on four years term law, ii., 68.

Poinsett, Joel R., American Minister in Mexico, i., 293, 296; ii., 86.

Polk, James K., reports resolutions against restoration of deposits, ii., 47; nominated for President, 251, 255; the Kane letter, 256, 257, 261; elected President, 264; inaugurated, 272; sends Slidell to Mexico, 275; on Oregon, 279, 280; refers Oregon question to Senate, 281, 285; recommends territorial government, 319.

Porter, Peter B., i., 228; ii., 175, 192, 249.

Preston, D. C., on four years term law, ii., 68; against expunging resolution, 101; on the surplus, 120; opposes Van Buren's policy, 135, 164, 168, 224.

Protest, Jackson's, ii., 39-42.

Publications, anti-slavery, ii., 81-85.

Quincy, Josiah, in opposition to war of 1812, i., 89, 90.

Randolph, John, opposes war, i., 84; opposes tariff, 130; motion to reconsider Missouri bill, 180; on counting electoral vote, 191; suggesting secession, 197; duel with Clay, 273-5, 278; meets Clay, ii., 22.

Removal of deposits, ii., 25, ff.

Republicans, young leaders of, i., 77, 85; new republicanism, 127, 128; Republican protectionists, 130; favoring U. S. Bank. 133; latitudinarian principles of, 136.

Repudiation, ii., 211.

Rhett, Barnwell, ii., 357.

Richmond, Dean, ii., 311.

Riley, General, military governor of California, ii., 320.

Rives, W. C., against expunging resolution, ii., 101; turns “conservative,” 144, 173.

Robinson, Lord Goderich, i., 124, 298.

Rochester, W. B., i., 228.

Romanzoff, Russian chancellor, i., 99.