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Hunt, Ward, ii., 311.

Hunt, Washington, ii., 263.

Hunter, Robert M. T., ii., 329.

Indians, ii.,58, 59.

Ingham, Samuel D., i., 329; commands the U. S. Bank, 352

Internal improvements, policy of, i., 40, ff; report on, 46; Madison's veto, 138; Monroe's message on, 162; resolution on, 145.

Jackson, Andrew, in war of 1812, i., 106; in Florida war, 151, 152; his military fame and popularity, 158; vindicated by House of Repr., 159; candidate for presidency, 222-6, 232; meets Clay, 237, 249, 254, 255; again candidate for presidency, 263-4; his platform, 277; on bargain and corruption, 282-5; elected President, 288, 311; political position, 303; as a party leader, 320-4; hating Clay, 328-30; spoils-politics, 332-5; his Cabinet, 33G, 344-7; attacks the U. S. Bank, 352, 354; on the tariff, 358-9; nominates Van Buren for Minister to England, 360; public lands, 369; bank veto, 374-8; effect of veto, 380; in campaign of 1832, 381; reëlected, 382; ii., 2; message of 1832, 5; proclamation against nullifiers, 6, 7; recommends force bill, 9; threatening Calhoun, 12, 13; signs tariff compromise, 19, 21; presidential tour, 23; removal of deposits, 25, ff; message, 29; answer to Clay's resolutions, 30, 31; protests against resolution of censure, 39, 40, 43, 47, 50; message concerning French difficulties, 54, 56, 57; disapproves land bill, 68; messpge on abolition publications, 83; Texas, 89; message on Mexican claims, 93; expunging resolution, 103; his triumph, 105; the “reign” of A. J., 106-112; on distribution, 118; approves bill, 120; specie circular, 123, 124, 184; letter for annexation of Texas, 238; letter favoring Van Buren, 247; letter against Clay, 257; orders exploration of Columbia country, 278, 407, 413.

Jackson, Francis James, British Minister, i., 73.

Jefferson, Thomas, student in George Wythe's office, i., 7; prosperity under presidency of, 40, ff; on internal improvements, 45; averse to war, 68; embargo, 71; man of peace, 72, 127; on Missouri question, 193; ii.,32; on distribution, 115, 409.

Johnson, Reverdy, ii., 186.

Johnson, Richard M., on Clay, i., 211, 348. Johnston, Andrew, ii., 289. Johnston, J. S., i., 228.

Kearney, General, sent to New Mexico, ii., 284.

Kendall, Amos, opinion of Kentucky society, i., 17; member of the Kitchen Cabinet, 344, 345; advises removal of deposits, ii., 25; Postmaster General, 82.

Kent, Joseph, against expunging resolution, ii., 101.

Kentucky, settlement of, i., 13; character of population, 14, ff; emancipation movement, 27; “relief” movement, 203.

King, Preston, ii., 303, 311.

King, Rufus, appointed Minister to England, i., 259, 297.

King, William R., ii., 68, 329.

Kitchen Cabinet, Jackson's, i., 344; ii., 25; Tyler's, 214, 217.

Kossuth, Louis, ii., 391-395.

Kremer, George, i., 243, ff; 254.

Lafayette, Marquis de, i., 234, 235.

Leigh, B. Watkins, ii., 179.

Letcher, Robert P., i., 247; ii., 225.

Lewis, William B., i., 344.

Lexington, Ky., settlement of, i., 16; literary centre, 17.

Liberty party, ii., 253, 261, 264, 310.

Lincoln, Abraham, ii., 288.

Liverpool, Lord, i., 108, 118.

Livingston, Edward, i., 347; Minister to France, ii., 26, 53, 57.

Long, James, ii., 87.

Louis Philippe, king of the French, ii., 52, 53.

Lovejoy, Elijah P., ii., 74.

Lowndes, William, belonging to war party, i., 78; on the navy, 80; favors tariff, 130; reports on Missouri question, 185.

Lundy, Benjamin, ii., 70, 75.

Madison, James, President, on West Florida case, i., 58; proclamation concerning intercourse with Great Britain, 73; message advising warlike preparations, 77; character, 78; recommends embargo, 82; nominated for reëlection, 83; receives offer of Russian mediation, 99, 128; vetoes internal improvement bill, 138; on removing power, ii., 63, 64, 85, 86, 201.