Page:Life of plotinus by porphyry.pdf/27

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4. Questions referring to the Soul (II.).
5. Questions referring to the Soul (III.); or, On Vision.
6. On Sensation and Memory.
7. On the Immortality of the Soul.
8. On the Descent of the Soul into Bodies.
9. Whether all Souls are One.

The Fifth Ennead—following upon that dealing with the Soul contains the treatises upon the Intellectual-Principle, each of which has also some reference to the All-Transcending and to the Intellectual-Principle in the Soul, and to the Ideas:—

1. On the three Primal Hypostases.
2. On the Origin and Order of the Post-Primals.
3. On the Conscious Hypostases and the All-Transcending.
4. How the Post-Primal derives from the Primal, and On the One.
5. That the Intelligibles are not outside the Intellectual-Principle and on the Good.
6. That there is no Intellectual Act in the Principle which transcends the Authentic-Existent; and On the Nature that has the Intellectual Act Primally and that which has it Secondarily.
7. Whether there are Ideas even of Particulars. 8. On Intellectual Beauty.
9. On the Intellectual-Principle, on the Ideas and on the Authentic- Existent.


These Fourth and Fifth Enneads, again, I have arranged in the form of one distinct section.

The Last Ennead, the Sixth, constitutes one other section, so that we have the entire work of Plotinus in three sections, the first containing three Enneads, the second two, the third one Ennead.

The content of the third section, that is of the Sixth Ennead, is as follows:—

1, 2, 3. On the Kinds of the Authentic-Existent.