Page:Life of plotinus by porphyry.pdf/28

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4, 5. That the Authentic-Existent, one and identical, is everywhere present, integrally.
6. On Numbers.
7. How the Multitude of Ideas Exists; and On the Good.
8. On Free-Will and the Will of The One.
9. On The Good, or The One.

Thus, in sum, I have arranged the fifty-four treatises, constituting Plotinus' entire work, into six sets of nine: to some of the treatises I have further added commentaries—irregularly, as friends asked for enlightenment on this or that point—finally for all the treatises, except that on Beauty, which was not to hand, I have written Summaries which follow the chronological order: in this department of my work besides the Summaries will be found Developments; the numbering of these also adopts the chronological order.

Now I have only to go once more through the entire work, see to the punctuation and correct any verbal errors; what else has solicited my attention, the reader will discover for himself.