But ſurely times will tak a turn,
let's live in hopes, for a'that;
Although at preſent we do mourn,
we may get trade for a' that.
For a that, an a' that,
And milk an meal an' a'that,
Syne well forget this weary time,
and never mind we ſaw that.
COME all you Free-Maſons
that dwell all round the globe,
That wear the badge of innocence,
I mean the Roy (illegible text)e;
Which Nioah he did wear
In the Ark wherein he stood,
When the world was destroy'd
By a deluge of flood.
O Noah he was righteous
in the sight of the Lord,
He loved a Free Mason
that kept the sacred word ;
He built up the Ark
and he planted the firſt vine,
And his ſoul, like an angel,
in heaven doth ſhine.