O when I think of Moſes,
it make (illegible text)ſh.
It was on the Mount of (illegible text)eb
w(illegible text) ſaw the buroing buſſi;
My ſtuff I threw down.
and my ſhoes I caſt away;
And I'll wander like a pilgrim
until my dying day.
'Twas once I was blind,
and could not ſee the light,
It was unto Jeruſalem,
it was there I took my flight;
They led me like a pilgrim
through a wilderneſs of care,
You may ſee by the ſign
and the badge that I wear.
O never will I hear
a poor orphan to cry.
No(illegible text)poor virgin,
until the day I die,
N(illegible text)like the reſtleſs Jews
That wander the world round,
But (illegible text)knock at the door
were (illegible text)to be found.
So now (illegible text)ſt the Turks
and (illegible text) we'll fight,
To let the w(illegible text), world know
that we are in the right;