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And kindle in the breaſt a frame
which muſt be verted in her praiſe
Tell us. ye ſhepherds, have ye ſeen
"E'er one ſo like an angel tread the green?

Ye youths, be watchful of your hearts,
when the appears, take the alarm!
Love on her beauty points the darts.
and wings an arrow from each charm.
Around her eye(illegible text)d ſmiles the graces ſport,
And to her ſrowy neck and breaſt reſort.

But vain muſt every caution prove.
when ſuch enchanting ſweetneſs ſhines,
The wounded ſwain muſt yield to love,
and wonder, tho' he hopeleſs pines.
Such flame the ſor(illegible text) butterfly ſhould ſhun;
The eagle's only fit to view the ſun.

She's as the opening lilly fair.
her lovely features are complete;
Whilſt Heaven, indulgent makes her ſhare,
with angels, all that's wiſe and ſweet.
Theſe virtues which divinely deck her mind,
Exalt each other of the inferior kind.

Whether ſhe love the rural ſscenes,
or ſparkle in the airy town,
O! happy he thy favour gains,
unhappy, if ſhe on him frown.
The Muſs unwilling quits the lovely theme;
Adieu ſhe ſings, and thrice repeats her name.