TUNE- In the garb of old Gaul.
IN the drefs of Free Maſons ſit garments for Jove,
With the ſtrongeſt attachment, true brotherly love,
We now are aſſembl'd all jovial and free,
For who are ſo wiſe, and ſo happy as we?
And fierce we're bound by ſecrecy to unity & love,
Let us, like brethren, faithful to ev'ry brother prove :
Thus, hand in hand. let's firmly ſtand,
All Maſons in a ring,
Protectors of our native land,
The Craft, and the King.
Tho' ſome, with ambition. for glory contend,<br /.
And when they've attain'd it, deſpiſe each poor friend,
Yet a Maſon, tho' noble, his fame to inſure,
Counts each Maſon his brother tho' ever ſo poor,
And ſince we're bound, &c
But not to our brethren alone we confine
That brotherly love, that affection divine :
For our kindshearted ſiſters in that bear a ſhare :
And, as we admire, we're belov'd by the fair.
And ſince we're bound by ſecrecy to unit & love,
Let us, like brethren faithful ſtill to ev'ry ſiſter prove, &c.