With juſtice, with candour, our boſoms are warm'd,
Our tongues are with truth and ſincerity arm'd;
We're loyal, we're truſly, we're faithful to thoſe,
Who treat us as friends, and we ſmile at our foes,
And ſince we're bound. &c.
We bend to the King, to our Maſter we bend;
For theſe are the rulers we're bound to defend:
And when ſuch a King, ſuch a Maſter ariſe,
As Britons, as Maſons, we've cauſe to rejoice.
And ſince we're bound. &c.
As thro' the grove the other day,
I gang'd ſo blythe and bonny,
Who ſhould I meet upon the way
But my true lover Johnny:
With eager haſte he claſp'd my waiſst,
and kiſſes gave me plenty.
Tho' I deny'd, and thus reply'd,
Dear lad, I am not twenty.
What's that to me. the ſhepherd cry'd,
you're old enough to marry,
Then come, ſweet laſs, and be my bride,
no longer let us tarry;