But let's begone, o'er yonder lawn,
where lads and laſſes plenty,
Are fill'd with joy, and kiſs and to
altho' they are not twenty.
I liſten'd to his ſoothing tale,
and gang'd with him ſo rarely,
With ſong and pipe he did prevail,
he won my wiſhes fairly;
O! he's the lad, that makes me gl(illegible text)
with kiſſes ſweet and plenty;
So I declare, by all that's fair,
I'll wed tho' not quite twenty!
Mind Hussy what you do
WHEN I was of a tender age,
and in my youthful prime,
My mother oft wou'd, is a rage,
cry, Girl, take care in time;
For you are now ſo forward grown,
the men will you purſue :
And all the day this was her tone,
Mind, huſſy, what you do!
Regardleſs of her fond advice,
I haſten'd o'er the plain,
Where I was courted in a trice,
by each young Sylven ſwain