find Thee, and charity to anoint Thee. O most beloved, most beautiful, most sweet Jesus, who will give me that I may find Thee, and be able to kiss and wash with my tears the place of Thy wounds and the marks of the nails? O ye daughters of Jerusalem, tell my Beloved that I languish with love I let Him come to me, show Himself to me, call me by my name, and so help to allay my sorrow; for my grief will remain as long as He is absent from me. Wherefore, O God, all powerful, all loving, all merciful, I beseech Thee to be ever present with me and with all those who believe in Thee and labour for Thy holy love; grant that we may persevere in doing good.
Give, O Lord, King eternal, to virgins chastity, to those dedicated to Gt)d continence, to the married sanctity of life, to the penitent pardon, to widows and orphans support, to the poor protection, to pilgrims a safe return, to those in sorrow consolation, to the departed souls rest, that rest which is eternal: to those that are leading a good life give help ever to persevere in uprightness; to those that are good, grace to become better; to those that do ill, and to the negligent, strength to quickly amend.
O Lord Jesus Christ, I know myself to be a